I don´t want any nerfs till I tried longer. I don´t play hardcore so dying is okay but I was surprised when I was oneshotted by a Poison Flower because I stood on her when she respawned.
Right, sorry. Level 98, Blademaster, Ultimate. I wrapped up the main campaign with this character and dove right into the expansion when it came out.
Some areas are harder than others; anything with a purple name wrecks my face, those Chthonic insectoids that heal their allies are a pain, but Wendigos for instance are generally not too bad unless I stumble into a pack of heroes or something. The plants don’t bother me too much either, their attacks are easy to avoid.
Also it’s mainly expansion content that’s giving me trouble; endgame scaling seems to be harsher in the main game since my health fluctuates more, but it’s nothing I can’t overcome.
Huh, that’s weird. Who gives you the most trouble out of normal packs? http://www.grimtools.com/calc/Q2zbKd92
This is the char that I do Ultimate Malmouth runs with (Ternon, Valaxteria, Fleshweaver). Most of the time without much trouble, although my hp bar does go back-and-forth a lot. Could be the power of Flashbang (which does appear to work on big guys) and Blast Shield, but I facetank packs and bosses. I did die twice to things I usually don’t (Ternon had a hero nearby and bursted me with comet and a pack of heroes in Fleshworks got me somehow). I do feel like there’s much more enemy debuffs in expansion, it’s usually noticable by damage spiking up even from trash. Also I can’t facetank Ugdenbog Golem boss and have to dodge orbs from Lanaxia the Betrayer (or what’s her name).
For what it’s worth:
I have no problem with the idea that Ultimate is a challenge. No problem either with the fact that when you start the expansion, serious things also begin. It is necessary to try to cope and adapt to it. Enemies may become damage-sponges (even if not systematically), but their ability to quickly ruin you may be too brutally a form of disadvantage. I totally agree with long battles against powerful enemies, during which you have to be focused. This intensity is desired, after all. If you do not have the right reflexes, you die. And that is perfect. At least, from my point of view.
But I do not like to feel like I’m playing a shoot’em up, when I play Grim Dawn.
In short, all this is theory and Chupacabra is an asshole.
-Level 91 DW Blademaster (bleeding oriented) - Ultimate.
The xpac on Ultimate (even on some areas on Elite/Vet) are kind of overtuned to the point im getting flashbacks from when normal Ultimate difficulty released and mob DA/OA was so high you couldnt crit them and would get crit very hard all the time sometimes just immediately one shotting you
my ‘old’ characters are in complete limbo - havent unlocked any new factions but need to go right into xpac area, feels like I have to grind on new characters to unlock faction gear for my old characters now
My case: Pure summoner Cabalist (without Hellhound), started AoM at level 41 and finished at 55. DIfficulty Veteran.
My impression: Difficulty spike when you start expansion but overall I liked fighting new monsters and bosses. Fuck those poison flowers though. With overcapped Poison resist I didn’t feel safe in 2 starting areas and especially when fightning Undergrowth.
I don’t mind if AoM will be hard (at least city part) at Elite and Ultimate, but at Veteran it will scare away new players.
P.S. About pets. They die like flies in AoM if you don’t control them.
It’s a rough transition, certainly when going in for the first time on Ultimate, with an “unfinished” character that reached lvl 85 and beat Logh, but was far from fully geared for lvl 85.
And somehow I doubt it’s any smoother for characters that start from scratch, without any recipes, stashfuls of gear, mandates etc., even if they go in on Normal for the first time.
I was actually tempted to wipe and start clean for AoM, but after dabbling in it for a while, I’ve decided not to, as AoM feels like it’s an expansion meant for players who’d otherwise be done with the game, and not a seamless extension of the main campaign.
I don’t mind the difficulty, I do mind the sudden jump in it between acts. The necropolis is now utterly boring in comparison. Haven’t seen any of the new nemesis and such either, I expect it to get (a lot) worse.
I didnt lose many pets during my entire playthrough of Veteran, I lost 3 skeles on the final boss and a few here and there, lost maybe 3 Bile Fiends in AoM to death
I have sort of twinked gear from playing so much, for example I have a Fiendblood Spellblade (had it since 2015?) and Book of Naghapspesshs that gives the Revenant and capped Blood of Dreeg spamming it 100%, pets have capped Vitality resist and some resist from Aspect of the Guardian
Taunt is still crap so its still a boss chasing me around, however now Skeletons body block bosses so thats nice.
The final boss was a joke honestly on my Cabalist - took around 19 seconds. Loghorrean survived much longer due to his positioning
Im going full DPS potato Summoner though - resist reductions to phys/vitality, and every major pet passive buff - but still have nearly 10khp at lvl 63 and havent died or even come anywhere close to it
I say all this but I can see newer players getting wrecked by the new content
Damage Type/Build Type - DEE Hunter, DW Lightning build (Maelstrom)
The content is difficulty indeed, I am not sure I mind the difficulty since it keeps it entertaining enough. However
Some mobs are a little problematic, for example the max HP reduction of Overseers and Regurgitators is too high. While I have yet to die to such a mob, it might prove to be a problem in Crucible and in vanilla it might be a problem if they spawn alongside a nemesis
Grava’Thul and Aleksandr have one shot capabilities. I personally find them manageable and I can see some builds can take them on easily. But I can also see many builds suffering against them. I am still undecided on whether they should be toned down since they seem manageable for BiS builds
Ekket’Zul is too easy. You heard me, he is too easy. He is a Rylok and his attacks are weaker than the Servitor at the end of Fringes of Sanity. He needs to be buffed on the accounts that he is an act boss and a Rylok at the Void’s Edge.
Kupacabra’s clones collectively do more damage than any of the hard hitting nemesis out there. Their HP pools, their speed, their Blood pools all make them the worst boss in the game. He is the only one who needs a big nerf. The clones shouldn’t be individually on par with hard hitting nemesis bosses. When they gang up on you (they often do), it’s a instant death
Even BiS builds would suffer against him. And to face him in the mines below Barrowholm is to court death itself.
Holy shit, I’ve never seen such a gross overstatement. While i can kill with him with ease, he’s still prone to high bursts of damage and can one shot (several people already complained about this). The Servitor boss at the of Fringes of Sanity does tickles compared to this guy.
I’d rather fight Shar’Zul than this guy. Yeah, i said it, i find Shar’Zul easier than this guy.
Also, by that logic of act boss strength, Warden Krieg, Darius Cronley, Karroz/Tall’Nosh and the Loghorrean need a massive buff because they are all piss easy, even with average gear.
Ryloks have ranks you know. That guy is sitting pretty close to the top judging by his title (Oh and Ryloks are the taskmasters of Void’s Edge. Even the lesser ones have some power but the ones called Taskmasters and Overseers have almost absolute power over the lesser Void critters)
You find Shar’Zul easier than him? Shar’Zul kicks my ass even now :eek:
Well to be fair the new act bosses, especially the final boss are a nice challenge, but one of the strongest chthonians hits like a zombie in comparison. A slight buff isn’t asking too much. But that’s my opinion
Witch Hunter ~ Ultimate ~ Max resists. ~ 11000 HP ~ 2400 DA (Low I know)
Did fine most of campaign. Get one shot by all new Nemesis. Lumbering Mound only real trouble enemy. The poison nuke. But I think the rip resist/armor, acid bomb wombo combo is what got me. And that can be avoided…ish.
Last boss gave me trouble but was easy after learning pattern. I enjoyed it.
MASSIVE Life steal really carried me. PB, plus many procs and on gear. lol love it
Diagnosis: Nemesis are ridiculous, y’all.
The special Wendigos you have to hunt down have WAY TOO much HP. Jesus. Reigning kings in a game of HP sponges. Just boring fights. It might be the whole high VIT resist against VIT damage focused character which is another topic.
I am still undecided on whether they should be toned down since they seem manageable for BiS builds
Nah. Leave that requirement for the “Are you sure you want to die” secret bosses. Not those that roam around and chase you forever. The game encourages building lots of different characters, (some of them weaker) and shouldn’t punish the player for that outside of special scenarios. It’s a matter of how much weaker I guess.
I meant that he has the Void Taskmaster model but bigger. Ryloks don’t have wings to begin with.
This guy actually one shotted my BWC Sorcerer during testing through 1800 armor, 98% armor absorption, 2700 DA, 18% Physical resist and 13k health. I thought it was the volcano but then i remembered i actually was a little far away from it, so i have no clue what happened. Mark of Divinity and Blast Shield didn’t even procced and didn’t have time to use Mirror, the health bar just disappeared.
Shar’Zul never even came close to doing this. I have several characters who can take his fire axe double swipe with next to no issues, including my BWC Sorcerer.
Ekketzul fight has too much flashing everywhere, between my summons spells and his spells its hard to see what to dodge, he wipes the summons pretty fast on elite and his 360degrees fireballs hurt. First time I had to run around resummoning till then
Maybe he is more dangerous if you stay outside of melee
I am barely into Malmouth yet and I already HATE the damn Scamps and Imps - they are super weak and slow, yes, but they blow up when killed. The Scamps do poison damage and it’s not so terrible, but I am quite sure the Imps do a % of total HP reduction. I nearly one-shotted my Blademaster a few times when rushing into the thick of enemies and using shadow strike+ring of steel. Now I am carefully checking for imps (hard, since many aetherial enemies have similar look, like the Fleshshapers) and try to gently tap them so poison+bleed kills them, but it is damn hard because they die too easily. I mean, the Burning Dead zombies were similar, but those were (and still are!) tougher and so you can run away before they explode…
Basically, these things are a pain for a pure melee build.