Anyone else?

Anyone else get to Tier 4 only to discover it takes FOREVER to level the spot for the Stone Quarry, then can’t build anything requiring stone, and then give up and start a new town? Just me?

Super excited to have actually reached Level 4 and build the Library for the first time since I started playing a year ago. Proud that my town reached over 400 in population. But now I’m not-so-patiently waiting for the next release.

Anyone have a cool - challenging - map seed to try? I’ve tried all the grid combos that I can think of … time to make a lakeside village or find the patience to terraform a mountain. Since I play as a pacifist, I’m finding that filling time by decorating helps fight the boredom. Having more decorating options would be cool.

ETA - I keep hoping that the next Civilization Game takes all the elements from this game - and adds in all the governing leaders and challenges from Civilization to make the ultimate game.


Not sure it’s cool, but certainly a challenge since there’s little flat ground to build on and no fertility to speak of.

I think I managed to get the town to T3, but no way was I going to be able to get enough housing squeezed in to make T4.

Must try that map seed again with a small map and see if I get the flatter ground Zantai seemed to have. :thinking:

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I got to Tier 4, 700+ population, only to have a lot of people leaving. Manor housing near my Town Centre and with a Library and Temple, no manors at all in my satellite suburbs and towns regardless of what enhancements I placed there. Population dropped after every raid despite no one dying in combat, builders not doing their upkeeps despite having enough labourers. When 22 manors were abandoned so was the game.

Sad. Maybe villagers overworked wih too many tasks.
If you didn’t change anything about your “desirability buildings”, then maybe check if 3 kinds of food are still delivered to manors. (Markets workers and stock limits)…