Anyone know where I can get a copy of the old female player character model?

You can use illusions whenever you want btw

And this is a totally normal stance for a woman xD
… if you are into bikini fitness !!!

One of the aftereffects of aetherial possession is a hot bod.

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Well, our female hero is kinda buff and she’s always running. I think everyone needs to chill and let her be herself! She’s working to make the world a better place so lil Suzy can be a bikini fitness model one day without anyone judging her for it.

And this is her pose in v1.1.4.1…can this die now?


I want Byscilla’s armor for my character.

I want it for my girlfriend…


The Grim Dawn chic is too tense in the scapula and mid-trapz causing her shoulders to pulled back too much compared to “normal female stance”

I can recommend some softening and mobility exercises for her

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It’s a good analysis. But meanwhile, it may also need to be considered how it looks when she wear some armor.

Anyway, I think that the pose for v1.1.4.1 is more relaxed and natural than now.

I actually like the new female pose. No more slouching and looks more elegant.
Though it’s indeed looks too tense.

The upcoming newer pose seems even better.

They unveiled a newer one? when?

See Zantai post above

That is not the same one?

Damn I thought it was just from a different angle :open_mouth: