I would like to mod it back in.
Thanks in advance if you can help me out.
I would like to mod it back in.
Thanks in advance if you can help me out.
Unpack the game…load the female model.
You’re finished, cause we didn’t change the model.
We did change the idle pose, and will make further changes to it in the near future, but the model is the same one it’s been since alpha.
Do you really believe we, your Community tend to believe you, when you nerfed all classes to the ground, patched / buffed up all difficultys unnatural and unbalanced high, even lying about only buffing maingame and not DLC / Expansion because they’re much harder as well, kill all the joy and fun we have with the game and even badly implemented Grim Internals Features… on top of that make out of Grim Dawn an Stealthsimulator thanks due the new top healthbar which hides both, my character and enemies allike so big / high is the new bar you set with it… and now you changed the female model to this fat thicc abomination you try to tell us straight in the face you didn’t change it like we don’t have any sharp eyes to see it. Insults and lies, the only thing you can Big-Z! /s
On a serious note, i think it’s the new pose which leads to the thinking that you changed her model, because there is clearly something changed when you see your female character the first time after the patch, and you can’t really grab what it is… so people hold on their believing that you changed the model…
wow that’s a lot of hate there…
He’s joking. At least he better be.
To be fair, he used the “/s”. Although that sounds quite intense to be just sarcasm
He’s just parroting a collection of the gibberish that has been spouted by various posters since the patch.
Like @powbam said, that’s (sadly) my kind of humor and how i mock / joke about the current situation. (That’s why i used /s to point out i wasn’t serious… which means /sarcasm or /sarcasm off).
So I just need to change the pose so it doesn’t look like she has bolted-on tits?
Well, I was going to have to learn modelling anyways. Might as well go for broke.
It certainly looks like that. The new pose is sticking out the chest too much.
Why did the woman’s pose change? Is it part of the Xbox sales strategy?
Because she wasn’t standing correctly in the first place.
Hmm, but the currentpose looks out of balance… well, just have to get used to it.
I just don’t get it. When Byscilla first made an appearance everyone was drooling over her “assets”. Now the ingame female model has been changed slightly and everyone hates that her “assets” are more prominent. (since we don’t have a head in hand emoji).
Witch God Favouritism I tell ya! Witch God Favouritism everywhere!!
That makes sense. Everyone was screaming for her tits.
To be quite honest this looks fairly natural to me, other than the scarf/bandolier being two dimensional. (textures, amirite?) More pronounced than it had been, sure, but not that unrealistic.
Also, this “issue” (if there is one) only exists for about 20 levels by which time one’s gear kind of obscures the situation anyways (there is no, ahem, “boob armor” in GD, thankfully).
This is an endgame female player model:
Loyalist pack 3!!!
Certainly, wearing some bags makes it difficult to distinguish between men and women.
But isn’t her chest crushed too much? I’m getting stuffy.