Anyone think two handed weapons could use a slight buff overall or are they in a good place?

In terms of two handed weapons, I think the skill bonuses and stats are in a good place. Here are some thoughts I have that may make them more attractive:

Increase the bonuses from components on a two handed weapon. It doesn’t have to be putting two components on the same weapon, but rather double the bonus on a component that’s on the weapon similar to two handed augments (except for skill components).

Also when it comes to two handed weapons with pet bonuses, I think they could use a rework to make the stats on them in line with a one hand and off hand. Currently, using a one hand and off hand give more stats overall than a two handed weapon.

been suggested meni meni times,
i don’t remember Z’s last response we cried about it, if it was mechanical reason comps didn’t do that or balancing (or both?), but there was an adamant cause atleast.

Death’s Gate’s got nerfed for a reason, Witching Hour actually got buffed, and Nofika? Nery? just posted a nice build with it recently iirc.
Not sure what other “real” pet 2handers we have/there is a discrepancy with, Winterking was always a “meme”, Mog cleaver is a set situation (which just got altered in last couple pet rounds), and the other 3 blues afaik was never a thing because inferior versions of end counter parts.
Idono if mog set changes made it “worse”/undesireable from the (phys?)changes or if it’s actually because of 1h+oh scaling impact - but i’m guessing set restriction will factor in largely now, and no modifiers (because epic) means there is a lot of catching up to do despite set. (and “epic set supposed to be inferior to legend”)
Death’s Gate’s probably not gonna need buffs after just being nerfed for being too strong?.
Unsure if witching hour is in a fine spot or deserves a bump,
so that leaves Winterking i guess as relevant for consideration? - atleast i’m not going to count in some epic crossbow, with no modifiers etc, that on the face of it obviously should struggle to compete against legends (or even MIs)

What i think might be reconsidered re twohanders is ranged twohanders, mentioned it in another thread, perhaps it’s time to look at their base dmg. Last couple of patches fundamentally changed the game, and melee got directly and indirectly buffed so they are doing “just great”. Meanwhile ranged is not so happy, and perhaps pistols/rifles/xbows having like “half” the base dmg is (a) part of that?.
Famously the rifle that went from hero to 0 after passthrough change
but is just seen “nowhere” now after game changed too - 337 (max) avg dmg

then we have the melees
^Before a flat fire dmg affix

503 (max) avg dmg, even ignoring the modifiers that boost flats further

ranged has what, Evoker and partially VoS as great pew pews, maybe Harbinger and Valduun?, some fantasy green Ugdenbog Xbow setup perhaps.

and 2h ranged doesn’t even have a speed benefit, so you slap on a rifle/xbow and instantly your dmg is just cut down. Yes yes i know “you have the safety of attacking from a distance/can attack enemies without them attacking you”, but
GD simulator

and it’s not like the gunner dmg feels awesome enough to make you really want to kite/lower dps for kiting (since we can’t attack while moving and have to actually full stop to shoot)

idono, maybe i’m overthinking it/the dmg disparity while being a subpar builder,
just "feels bad man" to look at a gunner GT with 20k dmg and melee GTs getting 30k dmg, kinda feels like it might then also explain the underwhelming sensation they/some have ingame.

Would love if we had more two handed melee wps options. Its a very under-represented archetype outside of avenger, somewhat ultos and few upheaval options. Would be great if some granted 2h wps could be added to some weapon(s)

Edit: Doesnt necessarily have to be on a weapon as long as Avenger is locked out of it i suppose. Any suggestions for items are welcome


didn’t Z say/one of the grim misadventures there’d be more 2h wps in FoA? (or was it shield? or both?)

Think he did, iirc there were more spear options on one of the misadventures

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As one of the Avenger’s set advocates I can’t help but notice that even on Avenger damage was nerfed several times and then quite a bit of tank was nerfed with it with no compensation whatsoever. As a result right now its damage is quite a bit behind your average dw melee.

Some 2H ranged bases are just a total joke unfortunately.

+1 and kiting with ranged auto-attacker is not always feasible because as soon as you stop attacking your sustain disappears (passive sustain based ranged builds are quite rare).

On two-handed melee weapons: there are not enough wps in this game to do something interesting with them. There are few archetypes that work without wps, such as Blade Arc - works really well on Phys and that’s it, Upheaval builds - again, that’s one (two?) build, Reaping Arc - usually used as a filler since its damage is pretty low and of course Cadence: the definition of inconsistency when using a two-hander. I think each of the archetypes requires individual approach like recent Blade Arc buffs and phys Cadence buffs thru Voldrak’s Crusher buff, and in general stuff is happening but very very slowly.


Curious how? I personally think the intention was to gear toward a vitality pet Witchblade considering they added soldier related bonuses

If you’re talking about more melee weapons, then I agree with you. Even other different two handers such as bows would be nice, but I think they go against the design philosophy considering the setting is mostly a Victorian type of era.

Agree with you. Right now, seems two handed ranged weapons could use more oomph.

Hope in the next expansion.

I don’t think buffs are necessary, but I would like to request more diversity in the equipment. There are far more one handed weapons in every category than two handed. Also, more skill mods would be great for creating new builds.

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The reason. And some proof - one of the cheap and unmaxed builds right before the next huge pet buff.

Also vit pets WB is a stillborn concept: not enough pets/skullpoints for pets, not enough mastery support from soldier, and single RR class for vit is always :no_entry:


no, it’s actually a 7/8.5 top build, EASY SR90

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Agree on the lack of support overall, but certainly doable with the right gear and what devotions used. But hey, im sure they will add more items or change existing ones to support pet Witchblade more.

If there’s not enough pets, player can always use will of bysmiel amulet, bonescavenger gloves, primal instinct relic and eldritch hound plus the hound and bird for a total of twelve pets

It can certainly do all content, including Crate superboss although it’s slower during high SR runs or speed crucible due to lack of aoe. But 75-76 clear time for a SR is pretty good imo