Anything "on hit" behaviour

This is my spellbinder: Spellbinder, 1.2 - three heals + Phoenix

off-hand has pierce res affix so it is capped in game.

i feel like healing is over the top with both amulet and Pulsing shard + Dryad’s Blessing + Wayward Soul + Giant’s Blood, so will try to switch to Fleshwarped Tome (when i find good one).

Fully converted vitality damage from gloves and helmet.
Will of Rattosh and Scales are fully converted.
another flat damage from Fleshwarped Tome itself.

yes, amulet + Pulsing shard give 19% adcth to AAR, but with Fleshwarped Tome the damage goes up like 30-40% so you have 10% healing from 30% higher damage and in reality i think the actuall loss of adtch is not 9% but more like 6%.

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wait how?, without fleshtome i only count max 60% from belt? :thinking:

The acid resist overcap is 80% + 43% :slight_smile: , and all other res are 80% + 4X% as well… Had to put even in weapon and offhand an unconventional components, raising the pierce and chaos res so it is 80+40.
I have to deliberate about Ring of Tawrot.

The playstyle of my build is very simple and easy. Facetank, what could be facetanked (using or ommiting Mark of Torment)… And if the opponent can’t be face tanked - using MoT + AAR and when the opponent is close to me, run away. Also if the life is threatened, run away and heal.

Because of my spasms, I can’t play piano builds. I have to create sturdy builds with decent amount of attacking skills (2 to 4).

this was mine/inspired by Romans iirc Spellbinder, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator, i don’t remember how it actually handled/if this was the actual final setup i landed on (can’t find the save just the GT list)
i just remember going back to pulsing shard in the end, and on others :sweat_smile:

i would probably try see how switching MoT to ex Ill Omen feels to you
still just 2 buttons, difference is you’ll just be pressing it a bit more frequent than MoT(because lower cooldown), but the effect is then constant, so instead of occasional bonus absorb, you will have perma dmg reduct

in Cruci, potentially useful the way i understood Nofika’s? mentions because debuff overlap more frequent,
in SR, if you 1v1, you just need 25-35 on various (- assuming just SR 80 dmg scaling atleast), if you multi fight bosses, then it can still go above 45 anyway

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GDautocaster by TQfan , or auto hotkey scripts in general could be something for you.
I use it myself - dont have to press anything for

  • running
  • keeping up buffs
  • using nukes when off cool down
  • etc.

Considering the build, I was just thinking if that much over-resist is even necessary in post-sunder times.

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i mean, when you equip Fleshwarped Tome, you theoretically get 100% vitality to Aether, so it’s one of the advantages of it

Yes, more aggressive setup, thanks for sharing.

in game i have around 3000% aether damage due to affixes on belt and off-hand, but my build has three heals (Giant Blood, Wayward Soul + Dryad), so i will try switching to Fleshwarped Tome and see how it goes.

Pulsing shard is definitely best in slot for leveling until you get Mythical Essense of Grim Dawn and able to stack flat damage to AAR, then it’s not so obvious, it seems.

ah ye ofc, makes total sense, just me derping out on no sleep taking the comments for the build “as is” - which doesn’t really make sense thinking it over in the context of swapping to/using flesh tome :sweat_smile:

i was not clear myself to put advantages of Fleshwarped Tom so confusion is natural here.

Even with Pulsing Shard now i don’t like damage on AAR.

Ravager of Flesh is facetankable during first phase, then i have to kite and even amulet + Pulsing Shard cannot change that.

SR 90-91 are not that different from SR 75-76 though, but i lack the skills for aggressive piloting in SR 75-76 :slight_smile: Have not tried Crate and Callagadra with it