Anything "on hit" behaviour

Hi, I have some questions regarding skills (item skills or constellation skills), which are triggered “when hit”.

1] “When hit” means being hit by melee attacks, or are the skills triggered even when hit by spells, ranged attacks or being hit by anything what has been cast under the feet of my character?
2a] OK, let’s imagine I have been hit by ranged attack, spell or something was cast under my char. The attacking skill is triggered, but where it is going to be landed? Around my character or at the position of the enemy?
2b] OK, let’s imagine I have been hit, no matter how. The healing skill(s) “when hit” is / are activated and will be if they are not on cooldown, right?
3] I don’t know if it is desirable to be hit by e.g. Ravager, or the huge stone of Valaxteria or Aleksander. It would mean that attacking or healing skills (when hit) are procced, but being dead (having 0 hp) is not considered as a valid value to start the healing, right?
4] “Tip the scales” from Scales of Ulcarna constellation: There is lovely ADCTH within the skill, but I don’t know if it is applied when being hit and dealing damage through skills Mark of Torment or AAR?
5] From my understanding, the skills “on attack / on critical attack” are safer to use, because it means I have to be attacking, not taking hits (damage).

unless it’s specified as melee attack, it just means any “attack” made on you
ticks of debuffs counts as hits even if they deal no dmg, sameway how curse of frailty can trigger attack procs on enemies each tick even tho it deals no dmg
^pseudo dot, not true dot(burn/bleed ticks themselves can’t trigger attack effects)

depends entirely on the specific type and will be somewhat discernable in the skill description/flavour text
ring of steel; happens “on you”/around your char, just like the Nightblade Ring of Steel
direc Projectile usually on the enemy, like sky shards
if it’s a nova projectile, then like ring of steel it happens on you/around you and spreads out

if a skill is not on cooldown and its criteria is met it can/will trigger

it is not, ever
for 2 reasons, one the attack is avoidable; why waste precious procs when you don’t have to
other being as you mention they hit hard so a proc might not save you, and even if it does save you from instant death doesn’t mean it protects you enough to survive the follow up attack. Which leads back to the first point, why risk it when you don’t have to/can avoid it

healing occurs from the dmg of the debuff/ticks, similar to siphon souls/devouring swarms lifesteal “dots”

sure, on a potential technicality side, but you don’t get to choose that right? (nor can you 100% prevent getting hit anyway) - so in effect it wont really matter much
you can’t change some proc criteria, nor are you necessarily able to just freely choose in the sense it’s just natively part of your build
You might not have better options than Scales for RR, because manticore or revenant is too far out of the way, or no item exists that grants available RR or comparable RR
You might be using a set or specific necessary item with skill modifier that has when hit/when below health trigger.


OK, since the topic is established and I don’t want to create a new one: skill disruption protection (distrupt resist) is important when being swarmed by many (and/or) dangerous enemies. Crucible or SR are perfect examples, where low or zero disruption resist could lead into death.

Issue: There is literally NO item (I don’t count season items) having together “aether damage” and “disruption resist”, [green and better items]… The only two options, how to gain some disrupt resist, is: Arcane Spark component, or having a green item with the suffix “of Incantations” or “of Gildarn Arcanum”, where “of Incantations” has at least “all damage” modifier.

There is Codex of Lies, both mythical and normal version.

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curious why you’re so intent on “a” specific item having both aether damage and disrupt resist at the same time?
Both why it’s necessary, but also what’s being detrimentally “sacrificed” using the regular means for disrupt resist, affix, class buffs, comps, devos?
*most disruption also comes on fixed attacks thus can somewhat relatively be avoided manually without relying on 80% disrupt res (probably why it’s also relatively common on many builds to not have much)

edit, did a quick glance at the last top20
3 0% resist
11 30% disrupt
4 60% disrupt
2 80% disrupt - 1 being a Sentinel with Possession buff

so it doesn’t seem like it’s the pressing currently atleast for those builders
(tbh i only prioritize disrupt resist on stuff like EoR and similar important “no interrupt” main skills)


Wow! Grim Tools hasn’t shown that particular item to me! Why? Can’t tell, to be honest.

Well, when playing AAR build, which uses only two skills (Mark of Torment and AAR), (two actice skills only because of my spasms), I need to have uninterrupted beam of AAR. This particular build is focused on AAR and slow mana depletition, has lovely HP and uses all means of healing via constellations. But, the Disrupt Resist = 0%.

@klasperstanze Do you think losing 9% of life leach is properly compensated by the Mythical Codex of Lies?

absolutely not, lifesteal is way more valuable, both because more limited and survival impactful,
but also even if we exclude avoiding disrupt attack, you can then get it on component and affix, which would solve it while not sacrificing the lifesteal


So the only way is the affix for the offhand and the component.
Because disruption means stopping the Ray and the mouse button has to be pressed again.

The only celestial, which this particular build hasn’t killed (yeah, after long long fight with the remaning ones) is Crate of Entertainment.
In the terms of this build of mine:
SR 76 = walk in the park
SR 91 = extremely difficult.

i can’t speak for which affixes you have available, i’d posit it might be doable to have affix on non offhand slot to cover it, but depends on your items

no, it will restart on its own if you keep holding it down, if it makes it easier you can also use keyboard binding if it’s easier

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In one of my upper post, there is a link to the build! Unfortunately, I would have to swap a piece of my armor (not belt) so I could use the desired affix, or swap component for Arcane Spark, so it is difficult to resolve situation.

:thinking: Just curious, did those disruption skills of monsters got removed mostly?
When I played older versions like , I do experienced disruption skill from monster. But in recent version, I can’t rememer any instance that I got disrupted. Also searched in monster database, couldn’t find a monster with diruption skill.

I thought it was some nice optimization by game developers.

:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Did they really have reduced numbers, or just me thinking too much.

I got disrupted in Shattered Realm, sometimes but mostly in Crucible.

i don’t know if some or “wide” disruption has been removed from the general game/SR or if just Crucible(if at all) - haven’t played crucible in a while

the usual baddies still has disrupt

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medal, i’d go for medal, or a ring (not that i think there are any green rings that would actually be great here, but technically possible)
swapping medal might even allow fixing components so you’re not stuck with Tallow in amulet and topaz
Belt would be an option too, more arcanist points not bad,
you also don’t seem to have Dmg Reduct so that could also be a consideration (if you’re not using Mark of Torment offensively DR might be overall more mitigation defensively)

could technically do a “massive” overhaul on items and see where disrupt fits in then, but if 1 slot option is the choice then medal seems to be able to give you the least, while also being relatively potentially easier to replace stat wise

forgive my presumptuousness, i took the liberty to doodle an example with just medal swap and some “basic” but still cherrypicked affix Spellbinder, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator, and just component/augment changes, no major items or devos or skill points touched
the before/after comparison atleast seem to not have made it horribly worse
i still don’t think it’s ideal for AAR, because OA is just so very low for a skill that scales massively on crit dmg, food for thought perhaps

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I have to say, that spellbinder is my best build so far. It is not a gun / rifle build, (which is a shame) but I was able to successfully kill even almost every celestial (in a long fights, I know).

All the gun builds of mine are good only for main campaign.

not trying to imply it’s a bad build :sweat_smile:, items look very very standard if anything for aether AAR binder

Those are good dmg numbers for such a defensive devotion line.
Ever tried Ring of Tawrot for utilizing the vitality dmg?
Also, maybe sustain is enough if you switch to Fleshwarped tome? Could mean a dramatic dmg increase.

Your jewelry augments are quite an unconventional choice. You sure you need that much Poison Resist overcap…?

Roman did a setup with it, that even cilled kalla on a much less defensive devo route, so it’s doable, can’t say if it will be comfortable,
atleast personally i don’t leave Albrecht’s home without Pulsing Shard these days :sweat_smile:

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