AoM legendaries that need improvement

I was looking through my builds to check how they look like in the expansion, and noticed a few items that are off the pace of the average item quality in the expansion. I will just list them and the reasons behind them being a let down.
Feel free to add more.

  1. Mythical Peerless Eye of Beronath
    Compared to the regular version it got 12 OA, 5% Elemental resist and more OA cut to the skill no one ever uses. To put it simply, an old amulet can roll better than the new one. Not mythical at all.
  2. Conduit of Night Whispers
    Though this one was intended to be used by Nightblades, there’s not a single Prefix that strenghtens Nightblade’s natural Pierce and Cold skills. Most of the modifiers transform those damage types into something.
  3. Wildheart Vanguard set
    I was very hopeful about this one as I have a toon that relies on it. The shoulders and belt alone were never BiS, but the regular set features a proc that greatly increases DPS, which made it worth having a set. Now, the mythical shoulders and belt have hardly improved stats, but the set lost it’s great proc, and got some bleeding to Grasping vines. The bonuses are not comparable. There’s simply no reason to have a mythical set. The Crusher wil lremain the only good item in it.
  4. Mythical Mark of Divinity
    The cooldown on a proc reduced from 120sec to… 110sec, and the amount of heal from 10% to… 15%. That’s actually ridiculous.

Those items need some work. I will probably find more of those later.

P.S. 80% of the new items are actually great

Peerless Eye always seemed a bit too good before, so I’m happy that the Mythical version isn’t enough of an upgrade to once again outclass nearly every other amulet.

I’m actually kinda surprised it even got a Mythical version in the first place.

  1. Mythical Peerless Eye of Beronath
    Compared to the regular version it got 12 OA, 5% Elemental resist and more OA cut to the skill no one ever uses. To put it simply, an old amulet can roll better than the new one. Not mythical at all.

Well, the eye was Oupie and overused, so I don’t think it need buffs.

  1. Mythical Mark of Divinity
    The cooldown on a proc reduced from 120sec to… 110sec, and the amount of heal from 10% to… 15%. That’s actually ridiculous.

Same here, one of the best medal for HC.

Octavius Set - Completion Bonus to Aura of Conviction needs to be removed and replaced.

  • The entire set is built around Physical\Internal Trauma Damage with the use of Forcewave.
  • No one uses Pierce with Forcewave, when Cadence exists.
  • Aura of Conviction doesn’t provide ANY useful bonus to the build. Both physical resistance and OA can be easily stacked with other means.

Runebinder Set - Needs more Pierce to Elemental Conversion.

  • A direct upgrade to Luminari doesn’t have this conversion, when at least two items from Luminari Regalia have.
  • The conversion would provide a much needed boost to both Mage Hunters and Ranged Cadence Elemental Tacticians.
  • Without it, certain builds will be stuck with at least two items from an Epic Set, severely gimping the build.

Mythical Arcanum Sigillis - Either return the proc or do something about Fire Strike.

This was seemly resolved, as developers will add +1 to Inquisitor skills. Better than nothing, will also allow more freedom in skill points.

Your experience with these new items is impeccable.

Says you. Might as well say nobody uses Physical in Forcewave because Cadence exists. While we are at it, just erase Forcewave, Cadence exists.

Yep, we all know those are all only assumptions, but some are really safe to do.
I hope this thread will not be about bashing the devs, but as a list of something to look at / improve in future.

Clearly not. :wink:

You could have made this thread 12 hours later and you’d already be taken 5% more seriously. But so far I haven’t seen anything in here that’s not purely conjecture.

EDIT: ok, the 80% part maybe isn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cadence is much stronger for Pierce characters. If you build around Forcewave, you mostly build around Physical, which is exactly what Octavius does. That and Internal Trauma.

But whatever, if nothing’s gonna change, I’ll simply mod it myself.

Don’t worry too much about that set without trying it:). That conviction bonus is there should you opt for resilience + OA instead of OA and more damage with Oleron exclusive because soldier will have more + skills end game than inquis.

Nah, Fluff, I know you must test it. But let me explain more clearly my point of view.

Octavius set is a primarily physical rauma set, supporting Forcewave with it’s skills. Naturally, you build around it to get the most out of synergy.
Now, I’m not saying that Pierce Forcewave is not viable at all (I don’t know where Norzan got it), but I’m saying that building pierce Forcewave around set, orienting on mostly physical and trauma, without supporting pierce damage is… strange at least.

I can easily get 40%+ phys res and 3k+ OA even without Aura. So yeah.

Pierce has nothing to do with the set i know. That is not what i’m saying and i don’t believe that bonus is meant to encourage pierce in any way.

It’s like this, you can choose between:

a) having ~14% OA+ ~250 Flat internal trauma

b) having 145 OA and 15% pys resistance. You have ~44% even without conviction bringing you to ~60% phys res in total. That means something. A blend between toughness offense for HC players perhaps.

End game you will have likely +4 soldier and +1 or + 2 inquis depending on amulet you use. + 3 Conviction is simply meant to make skill investment non detrimental when you choose between the two exclusives. This is a very skill hungry build. It has nothing to do with pierce damage at all. It’s all about trauma no matter what you choose.

Of course, that’s why I’m making an emphasis on physical and trauma. But in my opinion, that 3 skill points can serve better elsewhere.
Since Oleron provides both Trauma damage and percentage OA as well, it’s bonuses override Aura’s except for phys res, which is nice, but easily skippable.

I’ll stand by my opinion, this Aura is not needed on this set.

Neither is + to Word of Renewal or Vigor really as you have 15k hp and 3k DA anyway end game yet it’s still there. One could prefer + to deadly momentum or Internal trauma from FW for more flat trauma dmg. But there you go:)

Also there is no need to stand by anything. I’m not trying to convince you of something or defend the + skills. I’m just trying to say how I think crate designed it and with what in mind, be it perfect or not.

Well, that can work too.

Yes, I know the choice is good. But the way Big Z replies to these threads irritates me a little. I’ll still mod it, though, heheh.

I personally used Peerless Eye and MoD on pretty much every one of my builds because they are so universally good, and i’m sure i wasn’t alone.

If the mythical versions was to be the same volume of upgrade as in other cases there wouldn’t be too much incentive to stop this practice which would sadden me a bit.


Even if they would lack a mythical version, i would still use the normal ones unless i REALLY need a specific amulet or medal for the given build for a set bonus or skill modifier.

I personally used Peerless Eye and MoD on pretty much every one of my builds because they are so universally good, and i’m sure i wasn’t alone.

If the mythical versions was to be the same volume of upgrade as in other cases there wouldn’t be too much incentive to stop this practice which would sadden me a bit.

Hm, for me Peerless Eye was always a little bit better as many other amulets. Not OP, but it is an indication if a lot of people use it instead of other amulets, even Set Pieces.

OA got buffed for 14,6 %, Elemental Resistance for 33,3%. I looked up Bloodrager´s Gem; it got buffed to Mythical in some cases a lot more (Internal Trauma/Physical), in some cases it is nearly the same amount as in Peerless Eye Upgrade. Looking at resistances, it´s even less.

Perhaps this a reason, why Peerless Eye got “only” this upgrade.