(April Fools!) Grim Dawn V4.1.1.7 Preview

Good. Now I can finally unlock Devotion shrines with my allergies.

Yeah, true hardcore mode is coming

Where is evil medierra when you need him… Happy april fools everybody!! :smiley: :smiley:

This is not a joke? Because is 1 April🤗. If is for real the patch notes will NOT drop brain, blood and other stuff

The Counter Strike and Aether Ray one were hilarious!

Seems like a good patch, looking forward to release. Full analysis here: https://youtu.be/B95YbW4cy_s

Only one question:
Which patch between and Pneumatic Breath will be added?

That’s all just brilliant…thank you for taking the time for this :D:D:D

Is it wrong that I like the hardcore mode and ragdoll notes? A fellow can dream, can’t her?

SJW DAWN the game we never wanted.
good thing its april fools joke :smiley:

Hellhounds now scale with the player’s feelings.

When get to this point started to release that US is still enjoying the 1st April…lol

GJ Zantai, almost got me, almost…

THAT was when you realized it was a joke? Lol :rolleyes:

Why don’t you just do it, you lazy shmucks.

I want to see shit flying all over my screen!

Holy shit this is legit scary

Literally cannot believe that it’s been this long and all we get is STILL just a taste of the power of C’thon.


Loving the references.

Wait, aren’t lens flares the universally accepted substitute for a halfway decent story and a coherent script?

Oh right, Grim Dawn has those.

Paging JJ Abrams. Mr Abrams, please respond.

Players with high offensive ability now will be prosecuted according with Geneva Conventions.

Good changelog! :stuck_out_tongue:

So essentially if we can mod the modding tools then mod compatibility will not only have to take into account game version but also modding toolset version, right? And then when you release an update, we will have to update our modded mod toolset before we can update our mod? Thanks for this, sounds like a dream come true for everyone.