Arcanist Feedback(new info)

According to doom zantai is a genius. Check with him first :^)

He’s more of a power bottom he don’t know much about anything top related :face_with_monocle:

When did you learn how these forums work? :open_mouth:

shhhh don’t tell him.


We’re missing mad_lee and Ya, but they’re banned from posting in my threads as I am in theres.

Easy there, scrub praetorian.

Been years since I dealt with differential equations, so I may be a bit rusty.

If we combine our ascended genius we can get the job done. I predict 4 anime arcs and a movie for all of this.

better than most anime studios nowadays

Angry weeb noises

Well Differential Topology has nothing to do with Differential equations though :confused:
If you need to expand Grim Dawn into 5 Dimensions, let me know - you might need my help with that

Everyone says the same when they see “enormous” values in other games. In the end the values, even though they reach, for example 100RR, are basically weak or just decent, and everyone says it’s OP because they just looked at the raw numbers. The same goes with small numbers and calling something weak.

I also can do basic math, and I can tell you that even if I saw the values I would not state if OP or shit, because numbers are nothing more than numbers. If you ever looked at numbers, tried something and then gave a feedback, you’d see the difference.

Dunno if you’re trying to be smart or just kidding, but recently you’ve been quite mean towards me and not caring about what I experience, so do not read or reply to my comments, please.

Only 5 ? Where the other 20 have gone :man_shrugging:

Come to daddy my son, I can scare your bullies away

Ceno stop bullying people on the forums. That’s my job.

in the other 20 we still have Heph :confused: so I needed to get rid of those

Yet I’m still here in this one. Love you too babe <3

According to my studies in 1 parallel Universe Heph is Greek God,in other game developer,but really surprising in one he even understand sarcasm !
