It would be nice if this 2H sword could allow for the use of Devastation just like Spellscourge Bulwark does. It would be thematic considering that it provides Arcane Devastation skill. Build with MI helmet that changes Devastation from aether to elemental could be fun with it.
Because nobody would like to use two devastation skills. What a horror that would be.
With those energy costs? Probably not.
I’ll give you that there’s basically no reason to run the weapon on an Arcanist even with the +2 bonus, though.
Energy is not a problem with the Arcanist if it can sustain AAR. This is easy.
Flames of Ignaffar Arcanor Mage Hunter is dope though. And Arcanist can sustain casting Devastations irregardless of their cost.
Don’t think Devastation can be effective with this weapon though, for starters no CDR.
CDR can be added. It would also then be useful for non spam forcwave. I actually see a lot of potential builds for this weapon.
Or its bonus to devastation could be -5s cooldown.
I made a PRM build with a Temporal Arcblade and when I saw Devastation needs an off-hand I got sulky and ditched it
I think the weapon has enough variety as it is, but by all means add more. Yet to actually play around with the weapon myself but it looks fun.
With FG I think this is even more interesting as movement runes are a nice additional source of high WD% skills. Bit of a meme idea but using some or all of Mageslayer OFF, Hourglass for double casts, Rune of blazing ends, FoI and Inferno. I recall Spanks making a video showing freeze on Nems/boss can be extended with TSS, I guess another cast of OFF just before it wears off would work too, or maybe all three!
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