Archive extractor on Linux? or, a music mod question

Has anyone been able to extract e.g. Sound.arc on Linux?

I have several hundred hours into GD on Linux, and it’s my favorite ARPG of all time. I had an idea for a simple music mod, but I haven’t been able to get ArchiveTool.exe to run using wine or protontricks.

Is there an open source program that can open these? Or has anyone run it successfully on Linux? I’m on Ubuntu, I think I could possibly fix it if I invest enough time. Or I may try running a windows VM.

My mod idea: I dislike the fact that Grim Dawn doesn’t have music in underground areas. I’m hoping to fill the underground areas with music. I’m not sure if that’s possible. If the underground areas have music “tracks” it should be. But if it’s just ambient sounds, I’m not sure.

Tangent: I would love if Crate released a Grim Dawn music DLC. I do love Grim Dawn’s music, it has some serious bangers, but we need “more” tracks. And music should play during 100% of gameplay, full stop. The ambient cave sounds are cool, but not on the 20th campaign playthrough or the 1000th crucible run.

It shouldn’t require much development… what if you could switch between multiple official soundtracks in the game, like in Crypt of the Necrodancer? Imagine a GD soundtrack by Danny Baranowsky. Or Andrew Hulshult. Or anyone! I’d pay $20 for such a DLC myself. But I’m hoping to mod it myself someday in the absence of that.

Archivetool is a command-line (cmd) tool. You need to call cmd.exe via wine to be able to use it on Linux distros.

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Amazing, thank you! This worked, but for future readers, I was still getting an error message:

outputFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE in archivewriter.cpp on line 848

Then I remembered a similar issue I had with gdstash. The problem with gdstash, was that my steam directory was located in ~/.steam i.e. the dot in the directory name doesn’t work with some Windows-centric apps apparently.

So I ran the following:

ln -s ~/.steam ~/steam-for-gdstash

Then used ~/steam-for-gdstash for both gdstash and now the archive tool. Full command in Wine cmd:

.\ArchiveTool.exe “Z:\home\d\steam-for-gd\steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\resources\Sound.arc” -extract “Z:\home\d\steam-for-gd\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\resources_extractedSound”

edit: another issue, the extracted filepath was all lower cased… I was convinced it wasn’t creating the extracted files. But what it did was create a separate “common/grim dawn” folder in a slightly weird place in my home directory… and was missing files? ended up changing the archive tool command to:

.\ArchiveTool.exe “Z:\home\d\steam-for-gd\steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\resources\Sound.arc” -extract “Z:\home\d_extractedSound”

and that seemed to work now.