Are Developers happy with Mobility skills?


The same issues that make some mobility runes bad for mobility also make them bad for combat.

Long wind-ups/-downs are a killer for most non-blitz/ss-archetype runes. This was an odd design choice, imo, since blitz/ss also have the added advantage of theoretically infinite range at the sole cost of needing a target. Which, in combat, is a meaningless limitation.

In DotA 2, my friends and I have adapted a rhetoric for comparing certain items/builds. We identify some options as “Lose Less” choices and others as “Win More” choices. Every Lose Less choice is strictly a worse choice than a Win More one, because one should play to be in a winning position anyways to then capitalize on that situation even further with a Win More build.

Disengage, Leap, and Teleport are Lose Less choices. They are almost 100% of the time an inferior choice to Vire’s Might, Blitz, and Shadow Strike archetypes. To this end, I have literally never used a Disengage rune outside of some mild testing with them. (And some modding…) I used Displacement when it was hip to do so but it’s rather fallen out of favor in pursuit of more aggressive, “Win More” choices. The only times I even consider using a Leap rune is if it has a synergistic damage type and Fumble/DA Reduction on a build that lacks such debuffs. Even then, I know it’s a losing choice.