I wonder!!! are they?
they are kinda pets but they scale from your own bonuses not “bonus to all pets” bonuses.
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Pseudo pets to be precise. They scale with your own stats like %damage and OA for crit chance. Other examples include Blade Spirits, Guardians of Empyrion, Mortar Traps, etc. Pseudo pets can still be used with pet attack command. Also worth noting these pseudo pets are indestructible.
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Excuse me, I have a question, how much of our OA do you take?
oic. so a mod that says 10% chance of 1453% lighting damage for pets, won’t affect them right? =(
Often above 2k9, more than 3k is good, and 3k5+ is quite redundant, as it gives greatly diminishing return value. Also depends on your % crit damage.
A bit confused here. what is this refering to?