Arooo! I mean, hi!

Hello one and all,

I’m Gabriel and I’ve been a player of Titan Quest… but more importantly it’s possible I may be heard within the world of GD. We shall see! (Or… hear)

In any case, I look forward to GD coming out. I do enjoy the energy and passion Crate put into their projects.

For those who are curious, check out my website for work I’ve done to date:

Welcome to the GD… :slight_smile:

Welcome aboard Voice actor.
Hope to hear from you soon as a shriveled, old quest giver. :smiley:

Welcome to the forums. I fixed your link. Nice site, you have quite some diverse material.

hi and welcome to our community

Oh, I do apologise to those who welcomed me and I didn’t respond with my thanks for such… seems I need to set up notifications as I usually only hop onto forums to check on such things once I’m reminded. :smiley:

Hope everyone’s enjoying the testing! :cool:

I love the intro.

Welcome to the forums. Great site Wolfie!

Welcome and enjoy ! :wink: