Ascension skills and pets

Hello. I have a question about the synergy of ascension skills with pets. For example, if I attach an Elemental Storm to my Hellhound, does Elemental Storm get a damage boost from the pet’s damage bonuses?

As far as I know, the answer is no. Elemental Storm is not a pet, so it will not get any pet bonuses. It will scale with player bonuses.

If it were a pet, it would be clearly indicated within the devotion, like in the example of Bysmiel’s Bonds - it summons a pet, who scales with pet bonuses.

EDIT: Corrected the name of the devotion and clarified what I meant.

Huh? Bonds of Bysmiel doesn’t summon any pets. Base gives pets more health and also energy regen and Manipulation gives them more total damage and speed.

I meant Bysmiel’s Bonds devotion, not skill Bonds of Bysmiel. Sorry. Thanks @medea_fleecestealer

It does.
Any devotion proc bound to a pet scales based on the pet’s stats.

This is incorrect.


Wait. If the player has 2500% elemental damage, and the pets have 1200% damage. The Elemental Storm devotion, if bound to Summon Familiar or any other pet, will get pet’s 1200% damage boost and not player’s 2500%?

But since pet builds tend to focus on Pet stats over the player’s offensive stats, it is not an issue.


@Maya What about the conversion of devotion procs from one damage type to another. For example, if I bind Maul to Skeletons, and have 100% physical damage converted to vitality to pets. Does that mean in this case Maul will also be converted to vitality?

yup, correct :blush:

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Sweet! This changes how I’ll make my pet builds from now on. Thanks for all revelations and clarifications!

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