Almost every old Aetherial enemy has its upgrade in the Aetherial Vanguard, and the Reanimators are no exception - enter the Fleshweaver!
Similar looking but smaller than their regular cousins, these hunchbacked figures with Aether crystals embedded in their flesh attack you with Aether spells, but their more dangerous ability is to summon various Aetherials.
All of them can drop monster infrequent off-hand tomes - the Fleshwarped Archive boosts the Hellhound and Blight Fiend and reduces the recharge for the former, while the Fleshwarped Codex improves elemental attacks and the duration of Blast Shield. Lastly, the Fleshwarped Tome converts Vitality to Aether damage while improving Arcanist and Occultist skills.
You first meet them in Mourndale, and they are prevalent in all of Malmouth.
Fleshshaper (Aether Corruption, Champion)
Same as how Reanimators raise Zombies, Fleshshapers will raise Fleshwarped Corruptions. They are slow and usually hang back and let their minions do the job, but they also can unleash a fast moving wave of Aether, which (I think) can stun you.
Fleshweaver (Aether Corruption, Champion)
These can summon Aetherial Bloaters as well as the regular Fleshwarped Corruptions.
Architect of Flesh (Aether Corruption, Champion)
These summoners can not just conjure up Fleshwarped Corruptions, but also Aetherial Bloaters and Imps as well, needless to say, you do not want that to happen.
Alberran Rein, Cyrian Marcan, Dreven Cole(Aether Corruption, Unique)
Cyrian Marcan:
Dreven Cole:
I am handling these three under one entry, as their abilities are connected. I am guessing Theodin Marcell took some notes from Van Aldritch, as these three have the same shared abilities as those. They have a “Scepter” that they pass along themselves, whoever currently has it is shielded greatly from damage. Additionally, if you kill one councilman, the others get a long lasting buff that makes them even stronger. You can meet all three in the Council Chambers, accessable in the south end of Crown Hill, after you get to Honored with the Malmouth Resistance, as their final quest.
Fleshshaper Hinissius (Aether Corruption, Unique)
He appears in the Ransacked Lighthouse in the Malmouth Harbor. Apart from raining lighting meteors from the skies, he can periodically summon Aetherial Stormbearers.
Fleshshaper Igilvur (Aether Corruption, Hero)
I think he only ever appears during the quest where you retake the Steelcap District outpost, spawning from the riftgate.
Fleshweaver Haraxis (Aether Corruption, Unique)
The target of a Bounty from the Malmouth Resistance, Haraxis can be found at all times in north part of the Harbor District, surrounded by a cadre of Fleshwarped Aberrations. He has devastating Aether attacks, apart from summoning tons and tons of Fleshwarped Aberrations too.
Fleshweaver Krieg (Aether Corruption, Unique)
An “old friend” from Act I… yes, it’s Krieg, or rather the Aetherial who possessed him, in a new body. He can be found in the Fleshwork, specifically in the Womb, a locked “death room” area in the western corner, overseeing the gruesome impregnation of captured women, related to the quest “Burn the Womb”, which you can do after killing him. I was too busy trying to survive to see what skills he has, but they are all Aether related and cover a huge area. He can drop (on Ultimate difficulty) any part of the [url=]Krieg’s Armament Legendary set.
Frenazad - Burning (Aether Corruption, Hero)
Has fire attacks, including a meteor shower spell. Can summon Bloaters, Fleshwarped Corruptions and Imps.
Joxallus - Electrified (Aether Corruption, Hero)
Has Lightning nova attacks.
Noxraderad - Frozen (Aether Corruption, Hero)
Shoots a freezing orb and has a chilling aura.
Oppressius - Unstoppable (Aether Corruption, Hero)
Does Chaos damage - unusual for an Aetherial - as well as protect allies from stun/freeze/etc.