Asset manager error importing database record

it’s been a while since i’ve set up my mod tools (according to the tutorial by elfe + moving gdx1 + gdx2 records from \working\mods\ to \working\) and my asset manager seems to work kinda but only for records from the expansions. if i try to import a record from the base game i get the “error importing database record”. this has me kinda stumped right now as the files are obviously right there, any ideas?

my directory settings:

working dir: D:\gog galaxy\Games\Grim Dawn\working\
build dir: D:\gog galaxy\Games\Grim Dawn\build\
tools dir: D:\gog galaxy\Games\Grim Dawn\
additional browse dir: D:\gog galaxy\Games\Grim Dawn\gdx2\;D:\gog galaxy\Games\Grim Dawn\gdx1\
additional source dir: D:\gog galaxy\Games\Grim Dawn\working\gdx2\;D:\gog galaxy\Games\Grim Dawn\working\gdx1\
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no idea about the pathing or why AM borks importing

but, a trick i was told to do recently, when the same happened to me, was to copy over the GDX1 an GDX2 files to the “root” working if you will, and replacing files as necessary
then another “trick” i was told was to manually copy over the file/records desired into whatever mod folder i was making - this also has the bonus of letting you “import” multiple records at once

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I couldn’t say why you are having errors importing some files and not others.

From what I can tell…
Working Dir is fine, I have something similar.

Build Dir should probably just be D:\gog galaxy\Games\Grim Dawn\ adding \build\ gives an extra step for playing compiled mods. (copy/paste built mod from grim dawn\build\mods\ to grim dawn\mods\

Tools fine.

Additional dirs is hard to say, I am not exactly sure what is required here, but I have the dir for gdx1, gdx2, my working dir, my main mod dir (grimarillion), and the gdx1/2 resource directories. I remember having to tinker with them to get certain things to work (loading mod objects in the map editor, loading mod objects in 3dsmax, etc)

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will give it a try.

yep, started doing that because i was out of ideas.

followed the tutorial to a t and didn’t think about practicality, thx.

In my previous post that I deleted now I had empty Additional Browse Directories but I think it was a mistake because it’s not working for me now. Source can be empty after overwriting gd with gdx1/2 but Browse should be like in the guide I think

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gotcha, deleted the quote. haven’t gotten around to actually doing something yet.