[Asterkarn] Berserker class name guesswork

Aw no fair, didn’t get the ‘wrong slot’ warning so discounted it :expressionless:

+Demolitionist: Dismantler
+Necromancer: Voidbreaker

That didn’t start until August 9th:

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None of these are correct.

None of these are correct.

None of these are correct.

So Dreadnought isn’t Demo? Then Necro must be Vulcunist.

I got a gif and I had corrected my answer, so I’m going to double down and say Necromancer is Veilwalker and Demolitionist is Dreadnought. Since changing Veilwalker to Viking might have been “chosen poorly”

+Demolitionist: Dreadnought
+Necromancer: Veilwalker. Final answer


This person gets it.

2 of these are correctly assigned!


One for the road?

Soldier: Thane
Demolitionist: Dreadnought
Occultist: Primalist
Nightblade: Reaver
Arcanist: Evoker
Shaman: Mystic
Inquisitor: Runekeeper
Necromancer: Veilwalker
Oathkeeper: Zealot


Is it only me or does anyone else feels that primalist and mystic should swich places? We dont know much about berserker yet, but based on shaman and occultist they kinda fit better


Congratulations, forum, you did!

As a treat to all involved, here is a tease of Monday…

And for everyone that participated in our mad set of morphing rules and was a good sport by making a reasonable contribution, congratulations, you will be receiving a Fangs of Asterkarn (Steam) key and will be first in line when we are ready to reach out to the community for additional closed testing of the upcoming expansion!


It is something we went back and forth on a bunch. Ultimately Occultist won out because of the primal forces of the universe they tap into. But Shaman would be a reasonable fit as well.


Isn’t that Arcanist’s job? “Fabric of reality” and all that jazz?

Occultists borrow power from the Three pretty much exclusively. Plagues, pets, eldritch fire.

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I have a feeling the Three are working with primal forces in turn; a filter of sorts so Occultists don’t have to go through everything Dreeg did. The Arcanists, meanwhile, are using the next substrate up.

But Primal Strike

I can’t imagine the internal debates that must have raged about which names best fit where :smiley:


That’s awesome, I’m jealous!

I would also vote for a mystic occultist. They’re more eldritch than primal in my opinion. Then again, Trickster exists and I have no clue how that relates to a shaman + assassin class :smiley:


Trickster is very much in the mythological archetype vein: cunning, evasive, and wily. It can vanish, bleed you dry, poison you, trap you in vines or prisons of blades: seems pretty tricky all round in that sense. The Shaman component certainly gives it that old world/pagan flair like Loki from Norse mythology or Coyote from various Native American traditions. No shapeshifting per se, but what with Berserker and transformation mechanics being possible through gear, who knows what the future holds!

Primal Strike, Primal Bond, Wendigo Totem mentions “Primal Hunger SpiritI”, so I agree Berserker + Shaman (“when conjuring their primal powers”) should be Primalist out of these options.

Occultist mentions “the mystical eye” on Blood Burst. Occult = secret, not divulged, hidden, and mystic = mysterious, full of mystery / mysteries of faith (“powers granted by the three witch ‘gods’”) / "“pertaining to occult practices or ancient religions” / secret rites (Second Rite! “Deepens their bond to the hidden realm”).

I would swap them so:
Berserker + Shaman = Primalist
Berserker + Occultist = Mystic


Do you mean Berserkering set of Shapeshifting Rulez :sunglasses:

My thoughts exactly. +1 from me as well! :+1:

Conjuring forth lightning with a Primal Strike doesn’t seem mystical in nature just as much as placing a giant Sigil of Consumption on the ground using hidden knowledge doesn’t seem to be primal… :thinking:

The other class combo names using Shaman and Occultist seem to reinforce this as well, in my opinion. Ultimately it’s up to Crate though!

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I’m generally happy with the names. Dreadnaught I think is the only one I might be tempted to change. It feels like more of a Soldier name, but like I said, in general I’m happy.

Congratulations to the people who receive a key/invite. Super cool reward for participation :ok_hand:

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While I understand where you guys are coming from, I ultimately disagree. Shaman’s skills sure use Primal a lot, but the concept of a Shaman, to me, is a spiritual leader in the same way a Mystic would be. Someone connected to the spirits/gods. Unfortunately, Occultist also fits this by using the power of the Three, the difference, to me, being “Mystic” implies a spiritual connection rather than an occult or ritualistic connection.

Im not sure Primalist is the best option for Occultist, but Mystic doesn’t fit for me either. Both Primalist and Mystic fit Shaman though imo.

That’s just my 2 cents

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