[Asterkarn] Berserker class name guesswork

What don’t you like about it? Personally it’s my second favorite on the list after Thane and is tied with Veilwalker.

It’s very unspecific. Compared to the absolute gems we have like “commando” or “sentinel” or “reaper” which just scream a cool playstyle at you. We have mage hunters, spellbreakers, defilers. You pick a purifier class combo, you know you’re going to purify something in a blaze of a holy fucking flame. Mystic is just… there. Doing some mystic stuff.

Edit: to be fair, we also have warders and conjurers doing their warding and conjuring. Not every class combo is a winner.

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I see what you mean. To me, when I see mystic (especially knowing the combination) I imagine a Shaman who’s become even more attuned with the spirits of nature and can channel those spirits through his or herself.

Imagine a hulking bearman of a manbear, wrapped in a cloak of storms as they walk forward, spirits of nature by their side.

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Primalists are using primal force, well enough. Just not planetary/Cairn primal, but cosmic primal.

It’s all a very subjective process. I personally find commando very boring and generic. Not going to please everybody, but I bet plenty will find playing a ‘Mystic’ cool.


Fair enough. Maybe I’ll warm up to it after seeing the skill lineup.