Atomic Emu, Pet Conjurer - Callagadra Facetank Edition

No specific items needed. Same goes for augments and components.
The “How to Level” section is meant to work with random stuff you find while getting to level 100, so that you don’t need to spend time farming low level items. Also because I wanted to make generic leveling guides for pets rather than build specific ones.

Relics are pretty much the only exception since those don’t drop and need to be crafted. But even Hysteria will serve you well until the end of Ultimate story/campaign mode.

Generally just grab anything that gives pet bonuses and player resistances. Also be mindful of items that convert pet damage, since you will need proper resistance reduction (RR) for the damage type.

In the “how to level” section for example, the skill and devotion setup given is for Elemental/Physical pets. Something like Vitality, Chaos or Aether pets would need some changes, like for example manticore devotion for the universal RR.

If you are looking for something to work towards once you hit level 100, but before farming the endgame items - Petwalker - Walking Simulator Budget Pet Conjurer

If you want the full guide (in case) - The Carnival - A Guide to Pets