Audio in this game is terrible for the hearing impaired

I can only hear in one ear. In this game 100% of the audio is panned to the left or the right channel based on what side of the player character the sounds are coming from. Literally no other game I can think of utilizes a complete 100% audio pan as it is entirely unrealistic to assume that audio from one side would not reach and be picked up by the other ear.

I have never been able to find a way to simply convert all audio in games or through windows to mono and play through both the left and right channels, and I have no clue if there is or how to remedy this issue and have all the audio in the game simply play through one audio channel.

I’m sorry to hear (no pun intended) that :(.

The thing that comes to mind after a brief look at windows settings would be to get a short mono 3.5mm jack plug to mono 3.5mm jack socket (either as a lead or connector plug) and plug that between your pc output and the input of whatever you are listening through.

The mono plug instead of having separate connector rings for both channels simply has a single connector ring that connects to both channels and thus plays both channels through both speakers regardless of which channel the audio originated on.

Hope this might help as it will put ALL your pc audio into mono :smiley:

Edit… a quick search on for these just here.

If you are using Windows 10 Creators Update they added a new option that forces audio output to be mono. To enable it, open the Ease of Access settings (Win + U), select Other Options in the left pane, then scroll down to the bottom and enable Mono Audio.

If your not using creator update then for normal Windows 10 (yes adjusting levels to L=100, R=0 [or reverse] still emulates “mono” – Needed if you broke a speaker) Windows icon/button–>Settings–>search “sound”–>Your Default Device–>Properties–>Playback–>Levels–>Balance–>Set. --OR-- Control Panel–>Hardware & Sound–>Sound–>Manage Audio Devices–>Your Default Device[Playback tab pre-selected]–>Properties–>Levels–>Balance–>Set. Either way click “ok” 3x to set & exit the maze.

Hope this helps

@ Ward… Damn nice find :smiley: Never new that existed, though searching other for audio isn’t something that I’d likely to be doing…wonders of windows and “ease of navigation” :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t that the truth Jaknet. Windows 10 the love, hate relationship that keeps giving :wink:
Just hope our info helped this first time poster.