Augments, components and items tips

I just reached 94 and I think my items are kind of alright for ultimate difficulty. I am still a bit clueless about all of the itemization in this game as its my first character in grim dawn.

I’d be really grateful if you could give me some tips for how to itemize this guy for a easy run toward the end if ultimate diff.

BTW: I’m just in love with this game. Every detail about the gameplay makes me moist.

Try to get more gear with either fire and lightning or elemental damage (your boots for example are not helping that much)

Then, sink points into skills that reduce the resistance of enemies. (for you that means thermite mines)
Also, Blast shield is REALLY good, just saying.

For gear, you might want to start looking for the rest of the Dagalon set.

On components:
Focus on getting your armor absorption to at least 90%. Start with a scaled hide in your pants, and add either living armor or sacred plating to your shoulders (and chest if you want to get 100%)

Then, focus on bringing your resistances to cap, ideally at least 10-30% over the cap, as some monsters reduce your resistance.
Rule of thumbs for components (not always true, but of you follow this, you won,t mess up too hard)

Legs: Scaled hide
Shoulders and chest: Living armor or Sacred plating
Head: Prismatic diamond, sanctified bone, or runestone
Rings: Bloodied crystal or Runebound topaz (Ectoplasm if you’re constantly running out of energy)
Amulet: Seal opf ancestry or Annihilation
Belt: Ugdenbog leather or Spellscorched plating
Gloves: Consecrated wrapping (for attack) restless remains (for cast speed) or any belt component if you don’t need either
Boots: Mark of mogdrogen/of the traveler (depending on your need for slow resist or extra health) or any belt component if you don’t need either.
Weapon: Seal of might/resonance if you need the extra layer of defense, or any component that boosts your damage type if you don’t.

Focus one 2 damage types at most, ideally one.
Weapon, rings and amulet augments are for damage mostly. Armor augments are that last touch to complete whichever resistance you’re still lacking.
Medal augments are additional movement skills. For a ranged attacker, you might want one that says you “leap/teleport/charge to a target destination” ore one that says “disengage” As they do not require a target to use. This can get you out of tight spots.

Hope that helps ! :slight_smile:


Thanks for the reply.
Any idea where I can find the Dagalon set ? I got lucky for the weapon but no clue where to get the rest.

Random drop as much stuff in the game is.

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