If memory serves, long ago, Aura of Conviction was, at least partially, a fire-focused skill with a fiery orange visual around the character’s weapons. Years ago, that was changed to full Pierce focus, and the visual changed to a purple glow:
However, the projectiles remained orange:
Seems a minor thing. Maybe that can still be squeezed into 9.7?
You sure the projectile is colored by AoC and not, you know, the gun itself? Some of them seem to have unique projectiles and stuff… just a thought, though.
Also, auras override projectile appearance, to the point that if you have something with an entirely unique projectile like The Korvan Wyrm and you slap something like IEE on top of it, you just get blue bullets out of it and the whole aesthetic is gone. Kinda wish that wasn’t the case but that’s probably not gonna change.