I would be happy to not have a sort button anywhere, I did not mention the one for the inventory because I did not accidently click it yet and have no reason to ever press it intentionally
when I say, learn to use it. I’m saying learn how to make due with what it gives you, and speed up your time spent playing.
what it gives me is chaos, as I already said it cannot sort by what I sort and learning to accept what it does as what I should want is not really happening, I much rather have no sort button
I guess that’s your loss. I’m surprised you manually sort stuff out with GD Stash in your hands.
Edit: The character I do manual sort, is done inside GD Stash. Great work btw. I did have thoughts on expanding this ability within the utility. It might make this in game stuff a non issue.
it’s mostly stuff that is not in it (recently found) and sorted by what char it should go to in the shared stash, or components based on what slot (feet / ring / all weapons…) they are for. Since they stack and I need them sometimes for shrines, they are in the shared stash
That would be a great addition to GD Stash, the char transfer screen having access to the shared stash, or a new tab all together for stash to character movement.
Apparently the in game method is a problem for you guys. I personally use it on a couple mules I’ve created with sets pieces and interesting items to inspire builds. GD Stash could solve that issue all together.
I’m happy with the way it works now. I never misclick it. But i use it often so having to press buttons in the confirmation dialog would be not convenient for me.
No yes-no confirmation needed for those who might suffer the great horrible minor inconvenience for that. Simply an option to deactivate auto-sort in the options menu or simply moving it to a location that’s not so poorly placed would solve this problem.
Learning how the auto-sort sorts things is counter-productive (especially for new players) because the more you play you constantly get new types of components, ingredients, potions, etc (and sometimes you may deplete an component/ingredient entirely) which means the location of all your items will be constantly relocated to different locations each time you auto-sort. Further, the auto-sort is so bad it cannot even organize the completed components with those that aren’t complete. You adapting yourself to spend more time finding the new location of each component/ring/ingredient/etc you need each time you press auto-sort might be fun for you, but not for me & others.
Regardless that’s not the point. The solution/fix that I & others mentioned above is easy and not at all impact those who love their constantly changing auto-sort. Again a simple deactivate auto-sort button in the options menu or simply moving the auto-sort button would easily solve this. Telling people to play how you like to play will not.
What’s the problem with it? I personally love to use it. First page is always components and other materials. I can just throw in everything and click the sort button a few times till it looks how I want it to look.
Nothing is wrong with the auto-sort button when you intend to use it.
When you don’t intend to use it, because you have your own way of organizing your stash, then you will sooner or later click it accidentally, and it destroys your organization and there is no undo.
This information was of course available higher up in the thread.
Better fixes of course would be:
The option to undo.
Relegating the location of the auto-sort button far away from the buttons to select the stash.
The ability to lock a specific stash window so that auto-sort is no longer active.
But I’d be happy with a mechanism to disable the functionality across all inventories, for my game. That would definitely be better than status quo, for me.
Well an undo button would be fine, because I often before farming sort my items (by the button in the inventory) to then remember which items I don’t want to sell/store and sometimes (like, 0.001% of the time) I move my mouse too far away and press sort items instead of combine components when I already have items from farming in my inventory.
So yeah, freezing item positions for inventory would be super cool. Wait, what?