Auto-Sort Items Button !

Please ! PLEASE ! Put auto-sort items inventory/bags/stash - somewhere far far away from the actual inventory ! like if im in devil crossing put it in Boc !

Just please put it a little more further from invnentory, or at least somewhere on the bottom …

Or at least an “are you sure?” prompt would be nice. Oh the times I have auto-sorted a complicated, carefully sorted stash…

This is golden.

So, so annoying. I wish there was a mod to just remove this button :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes - the best ideea is for a confirmation Yes or No message if u press auto-sort !

No thank you.

I use auto-sort way too often for that mess.

My suggestion is to learn to use auto sort, and if you need items to be separated out in a special way, learn to use different storage tabs so you can just use auto sort (this is what I did, and I couldn’t be happier for it).

If you learn to make it work for you, it’ll save you time in the long run.

The same from me. Or at least an option to disable that warning dialog.

YOU HEAR ME GOD ! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS ! IN CASH ! :furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:

move the button please on the edge of reality

Agreed with Demophile… confirmation button is the worst possible solution. A big, fat No Thank You to that idea (not that I am in any way convinced that Crate is going to even entertain the notion since it is so obviously… bad).

A better solution is to just put an Undo button next to it to fix your fuck ups. Problem solved.

Is there a mod or fix for this yet? That inventory auto-sort poorly placed on the chest stash (specifically ones with my components, rings, amulets, medals) is killing me. I don’t mind the inventory auto-sort on my carry bags as that is a minor help sometimes, but otherwise hitting the stash one by accident on a well organized 1square sorted stash is a nightmare I’m tired of having.

I’d rather have a ‘suicide now’ button. Much more fun than accidentally auto sorting.

The auto-sort is kinda cool, but when clicked by mistake is painfull.

I wish it was in the bottom of the window and if we could create presets for the order that the things are sorted.

Yes it is usefull - only once. So u see ur doubles, thats it. After that u arrange ur items in a way u like and think its easier to find, and u remember them.

The easiest way is to have a confirmation message.

“Are you sure u didnt press it by accident ?” Yes/No

Fck no! I’m against this ‘easy solution’.

Could anyone please tell me, whats really going on here ?

All I understand is something like “die you bitch button, rot in hell, …I will get you, you will pay the price for what you just did…”
Are we takling about a new boss, a new nemesis perhaps?

kind regards


Why ? U want to press it and have no confirmation ? Or u dont want the button at all ?

Basically, you got one group that adapted their play to use the auto sort button (I did this), and another group who refuse to adapt and manually sort their inventory (I could see this as being useful in the stash at times). Those who use it, use it often, and a confirmation button would be hellish to deal with. Those who manually sort their inventory accidentally hit the button, and are left with having to resort their gear.

A confirmation button would be hell for those who auto sort, and the current solution can be hell if you accidentally press it if you manually sort your gear (not recommended).

A lot of time is saved if you learn to use it, and not avoid use it.

I think 1 or 2 more sort options would be nice. Like sort by name, and sort by level first, then by name. It might take the desire to manually sort your gear away.

no it is not, because sort does not have the criteria I sort by - and don’t tell me that this is simply part of learning to use it, not being able to sort by what I want to differentiate the items by is not something that can be fixed by learning about sort

I would be perfectly happy if this button did not exist at all. I pressed it maybe a handful of times by now in the shared stash when I really wanted to change tabs, and those are the only times I ever clicked it.

An option to hide it would be nice, otherwise we might have to look into a stash mod that either does not have that button or positions it far enough away from things I actually do want to use.

With your inventory (not stash), you generally only have a few items there, other than random loot. Just learn where the potions go when you press it once or twice. If you want to separate items out, drop items in a separate bag tab.

As far as the stash goes, there may be times when you want to sort stuff by groups. Like a set goes here, or weapons go here. That’s where I think another sort option would be great. Maybe even allow you to choose the sort option as a default action. That said, if you learn to put all your components on a stash tab, and nothing else, it’s super easy to get them sorted and stacked with 2 clicks. Put your quest items on another page. Put your newly found items in another to be dropped into GD Stash once you log out.

In the per char stash, utilize the different tabs for different types of gear. Though here is where things might be manually sorted, as it is here that you deal with long standing items that don’t move or change much. A couple new sort options would be great to improve organization here.

Edit: but when I say, learn to use it. I’m saying learn how to make due with what it gives you, and speed up your time spent playing. It might not be perfect, it is far from it, but it can be worked with in a time saving kind of way. I used to manually sort everything too. I wasted tons of time laying everything out, and reorganizing items when I got new items. I even have 1 character now, that has all my set items together, that I do that now, but for the most part, my mind is freed by not doing it except in that one limited case.