Automatic skill use trick by Rakso

You’d need to change multiple “Quickbar slot 01-10” in the settings to apply to the same shortcut button, so you would have more than one skill assigned to one button, but it is currently impossible through the game itself, unless maybe to tryhard to do that with something external like cheat engine to force values change.
Someone could give it a try, but I don’t guarantee it to work as expected, might just end up being one skill still, which the game considers as one a “higher priority” than the rest. Might work tho if they are even in that regard.

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Of course :



“laziness potential overload” - Birb.exe has stopped working


Skill disruption resist value



Actually, I tried it with Trozan’s Sky Shard, although I didn’t say that in chat, lol. (I specifically wanted to make sure it was not ignoring cooldowns.)

Also, switching quickbars ended it, don’t think I saw that mentioned in the thread yet.

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Tried it with Blade Arc, my LMB can go to rest now, even when changing the skill on quickbar to others will keep the state. I put blade arc on quick bar 1 then swap it to maiven sphere, accidentally create no damage cold CT :joy:

Despite it works with pet attack, move only command didn’t work. Perhaps since move only have different type of no cd skill.


:candle: Fixed an issue where hotkeys could become stuck when pausing the game :candle:


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because this was totally OP and destroyed game balancing completely… :triumph:
“0 piano or wind devil QoL allowed”


i have to ask, was this necessary? or wanted by anyone? any OP build performance resulted from it?
literally seems like it’s removing a newly discovered QoL feature just to


It’s okay. People from outside of the forums/discord or ones not knowing me wouldn’t even know this exist or why it happens, and neither how to make use of it, to gain any advantage, but rather meet it as an annoying randomly happening issue throughout their experience, an example from this very topic right here:

Still glad of helping the game to solve it’s issues. Specific other people surely would hide, or perhaps already were from who-knows-how long. :stuck_out_tongue:
Cheers guys,
See you next time with something new if ever, to have yet another 5 minutes of fun. :smiley: (not-ironic there, just saying).

It doesn’t matter if it’s QoL of not. Was just a flaw that wasn’t meant to be existing in the first place, and that’s all what matters.


I like spamming Wind Devils…said no one ever lol. :rofl:


I like spamming Wind Devils. Kappalul
Honestly I don’t mind.

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QoL for Wind Devil by making it a Toggle skill? :3


i unironically like spamming Wind Devils.


I wouldn’t say I “like” it, but I don’t hate casting Wind Devil off cooldown either. Only time I’ve maybe had issues with using it for RR are characters with basically no CDR, but that’s more because of the long base 4.5s cd rather than recasting it repeatedly, otherwise, it’s never been a bother all-around.

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Just letting anyone know that I’ll still continue on with accidentally breaking the game in the future, then thinking how I did it & testing ideas or recreations out & share in the end & patched within a few days. Kekw
PS: Jokes aside, obviously not butthurt, as one can clearly read from my previous replies & the presentation video ending words, just letting you know ya can count of it to share the tricks! XD