Avenger Set feedback

I think not enough value is placed in Regen as just a supplement on top of your lifesteal. It’s being looked at too much in a vacuum.

It can make a significant difference when you need to kite, and after 1khp regen you start to feel a difference even in melee if your other stats are there as well. And that’s true %physical damage is another way it can be buffed.

Like, I’m not pushing back that you feel the hp regen is not yet significant enough. I just think too many people expect to fucking facetank constantly in SR60+ :laughing:

Also, adding somewhere on set bonuses to savagery will look nice cuz we can’t get the 9th stack of it without using some strange and non-fitting solutions.

And one more point, about the weapon’s proc. It’s almost invisible. And if u manage to see it, it looks ridiculous.
I’d like it to be changed to look like Ugdengolems root attack - more far and more powerful.

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I particularly like this idea!

Also anyone is free to help me improve the archon version I linked in the opening post, so I can test it out if it looks better and give more feedback.

I reprint a bunch of my proposals written in a similar thread two weeks ago.

I especially hope that the epic will change in the next major patch.

I would like doombringer to be an even better for for archon avenger. Then you can be an Archon of Doom! I don’t mind if it fits warder too.

You want mythical doombringer to inherit the flag? That’d be neat as well. I really liked the flag on n the non mythical version. That might make it super strong for some other builds though. But I rather the flag get toned down if that’s what it takes to get it put on the mythical version.

This is me being lazy and going with “Just give Warder some -% physical resist reduction” since that would honestly fix their damage but I don’t really see a way of making Warder better that doesn’t involve changing Oathkeeper skills.
If you add -% physical RR to Shaman, Archon gets a buff even though it’s already stronger.
If you give some to Soldier, you buff Warder but you also make Warlord stronger for no good reason.
If Celestial Presence and Divine Mandate swapped bonuses (assuming it was possible) you’d just get Aura of Censure 2.0 then you could slap some on Oleron’s Rage which is now Censure 3.0 Physical Boogaloo . Now you’d probably have an issue with physical Witchblades.
My final suggestion is to delete Warder :rofl:

Yeah, I think the non-mythical flag is unique and fun.
I’ll post another version of this amulet to your feedback thread later.
BTW, what about changing the belt passive bonus in this way?

I’m ‘‘sensing’’ a lot of Archon bias here and if Zantai reads this I really hope this won’t be the case in a future rebalance as I for one love Warder version and ZT.

When FG launched OK made Avenger much stronger than WArder with massive crits, more IT, more RR ( more so now with revenant which kind of makes up for OK nerfs that have since taken place). With the only inconvenience of having to dip into RF

This is a set that i’ve tested a lot since it was at it’s worst in AoM, nearly unplayable outside of MC and had pages of feedback to even get where it is and it would be disappointing for it to culminate in favor of OK, as things often do.

It’s pretty easy to give Archon something but help Warder get in line as well.

  • Give the set seom more % AS (both profit)
  • Make the set proc more reliable or give it more phys res (both profit)
  • Bit of Savagery …same
  • Make ZT hit more targets in a wider arc. If you agreed with Feral hunger mod on Troll club, I think it’s fitting here as well. I dodn’t mind Archon doing more raw damage if Warder has more functionality
  • Anything else you can think of for warder i’m more than open for it

I mean, I said Warder should get more attention since it’s the weaker class. I just like Archon. Sensing Archon bias? I literally open the post with it.

Archon can get love elsewhere if need be, I already conceded Warder needs the love more. Dawnseeker is another place that can be improved.

OK, so I did some homework for you, @adoomgod.

Here is what I got: 8:05 Gutsmasher/Bloodrager Warder run. Definitely faster than Avenger (9-10 minutes), but not as fast as I expected. Grimtools..
So yeah, if Zantai reads it, AVENGER SUCKS AND HP REGEN ON MELEE TWO-HANDERS IS A USELESS GIMMICK. What you need is a lot of raw dps (Weapon damage, %damage, crit, OA, Attack speed) and a lot of ADTCH.

There is no reasonable number for HP regen for builds that have to facetank 100% of the time. Regen is good for kiters, melee need big dps and big adtch coupled with good defenses.

@mad_lee What is the result with Might of the Bear skilled?

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I used quotation marks

7:20 Avenger

Here is some more homework. It’s been on the Forum for a good nomber of months now :slight_smile:

But it doesn’t mean it doesn’t need AS and more targets hit as mentioned. Was just a good run.

But the 9-10 minutes part is BS. I did that with my mega lag back in AoM which added 2:30 min to most of my builds

If Zantai would attempt to shave like another 20-30s off the set and improve its resists I think it’d be more or less done. I think the Archon side is weaker but could be wrong.

Imo, archon hits harder, but warder is more resilient and sturdy.

FUCK (10 chars)

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There is Resistant mutator on BOTH 150-160 and 160-170. And this waaaaaay before consecutive Crucible buffs in This is like or something, right? A bit of an irrelevant example, isn’t it.

And I forgot Might of the bear on my build, lol. Gonna retry it now. Do try Avenger in current patch tho.

Ok, with Might of the Bear this time:

Would could’ve been 7:20 run (died at 170)

7:45 run with Armored mutator

So yeah, faster than Avenger luckiest run in the much easier Crucible. So my point stands, Avenger currently sucks.