Avoid melee attacks

Hey there,

So from my experience, when it comes to defense:
What instantly feels most safe is

  1. resistances
  2. avoid (melee) attacks

So I searched through grimtools and found out: Only with gear + CircleOfSlaughter it is possible to have a constant 99% chance of avoid melee attacks (not including devotions - they might give another 10 or so).

I also searched the forum here and concluded: No one ever tried a build maximizing AvoidMeleeAttacks. I think it must be a pretty promising uber-Defensive concept.
Am I wrong?
Anyone tried it out?
Thanks for your answers!

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Fumble and avoid attacks are not additive.

50% fumble + 50% avoid attack = 75% chance to avoid an attack. First Fumble is calculated, then on the reminder of chances to hit avoid is calculated.

Ah. Meaning The roughly 30% From RoS are multiplied to all The Rest? Does not seem To be too shabby though…

This thought came across my mind as well. Dmg avoidance is one of the stats with increasing returns. And there is in fact a possibility to stack large amounts of it from gear+masteries+devotions. But somehow i assumed it has 80% cap, as with other reductions. Is there a cap?


Good point! Is there a cap, anyone?

Huh, grimtools doesn’t seem to know of any cap


Because it stacks multiplicatively there’s a soft cap.

No one makes dodge/fumble builds because receiving consistent damage is important for deciding when you should be using your healing skills and how to best manage your HP.

For example, imagine you could make 2 builds: one gets attacked 10 times, gets hit 10 times, and takes 100 damage per hit, totaling 1000 damage taken. The other gets attacked 10 times, gets hit 2 times, and takes 500 damage per hit, totaling 1000 damage taken. They’re both taking the same amount of damage on average, but there will be much bigger damage spikes when playing the second build.

Playing the second build just feels inconsistent and as a result, it feels much less comfortable to play. You’re also much more likely to die due to unexpected damage spikes. This is essentially why no one makes builds whose primary mitigation is dodge/fumble.


It clearly doesn’t stack multiplicatively and in the example above there is a period of time when you don’t receive any damage, according to grimtools chart. So it is 1000 dmg incoming vs 0. What do you mean by soft cap?

Sure. Fumble etc should not be your only line of defense. I think you can geht it close To 100 WITHOUT giving up in conventional defenses. So no DMG spikes. Just much less DMG taken. Soft cap?

I thought we were talking about fumble stacking with dodge, my bad.

Doesn’t change the second half of my post. You can never have permanent 100% chance to dodge because of item activation cooldowns, so there will always be huge damage spikes.

Oh, you can get quite close to 100%, even without procs.
Even without devotions it´t roughly 70% avoid (Items + pneum. burst) + 30% fumble (RoS). Should lead to about 80% chance to miss (via multiplicatively)


Yo I LOVE this idea man! Ive tried to do it on a couple of my characters, highest Ive ever gotten it has been about 33% but seeing you posting about it has re-ignited my motivation to work on furthering the build. I believe greens with the “Dancing Shadows” suffix provide some chance to dodge if I remember correctly (until you find better stuff).

Dont let anyone discourage you from this idea dude, this game is all about creative freedom and finding ways to make things work! Ill never forget people trash talking HP regen as a reletively unimportant stat to prioritize and focus on, citing huge damage hits and stun will completely undermine HP regen. Well my first ever level 100 was a no-retaliation Warder with full-tilt HP regen. Even used the level 40 Apothecary’s Touch gloves with Healing Rain bound to the skill all the way through Ultimate. And it was the most fun I think aive ever had in the game thus-far. This character just would. Not. Die.

Follow your dreams! <3

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Appreciated :slight_smile:
Well, I just did a quick search on grimtools for “avoid melee”, or similar.
Many greens/uniques have that stat; hadnt expected that much:
Medal: 5
Pants: 10
Belt: 8
Gloves: 5
Boots: 5
Just haven´t had the time to check if all of those have one damage type in common; for playability.

What´s really encouraging me is the fact that I can observe so clearly: By the time I RoS-ed a hard-hitter, I take close to no damage anymore. (going with 48% chance to miss by then)

This is the draft. What appears to be the highest total avoidance you can get:
With max rolls on the items it has 87% constant dodge, 99% deflect, 100% dodge on a pretty consistent proc. With blade barrier on top of that it’s safe to say the build is almost impervious to attacks. Spells will nuke you tho.

Some items are out of place or outright bad but all in all it can be turned into an ok 2H pierce range gimmick.

edit: can probably even swap out the gloves for some real item.


A dodge/deflect tank has come up before. One of the main weaknesses of it from what I remember is you cannot dodge ground damage, meaning AoE pools and any Boss that spams those are going to more difficult to deal with.

If you want to try build dodge/deflect to be a big part of your defense, then Deathmarked Infiltrator is probably the way to go about it.

Oho yeah you better believe im gonna be playing around with this! Thank you both for breathing fresh air into this idea!

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At least overcapped seal will help against over time dmg spells.

Another, more reasonable option is to go with Mythical Unseeing Gaze set. You sacrifice 9% dodge and 10% deflect for an endgame set.

It could make for a really exhilerating build now that there are mobility skills via the runes/glyphs from FG.