B25 Hotfix 1 (v0.3.4.2)

v0.3.4.2 (b25 hotfix 1)

  • Updated several bounty descriptions for clarity.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented crafting of items in multiplayer games.
  • Fixed a bug where skills would sometimes not activate correctly when moving.
  • Multiple crash fixes.

The b25 Hotfix 1 patch will be available shortly.

thanks a lot :slight_smile:

just how late do you guys work to put up a hotfix at 1:30 AM?

I’ll probably be up until 3 or 4 am working on more crash fixes. There are no 8 hour days in game development, especially not after a build. :wink:

Nice! Thank you for all the hard work…

great work, thanks a lot

will there be a fix for the alkamos bounty not being properly accepted?

If possible, yes, that’s an issue the designers are working on. Hopefully in a later hotfix.

Will multiplayer be fixed in hotfix 1?

Wow so quick, hope multiplayer is back in order. Will try out later tonight :slight_smile:


I would hope that’s covered under the “Multiple crash fixes” hotfix note, but some clarification would be nice.

Just got a ~5.5 MB patch, I assume the Hotfix 1.

Anyone still crashing?