B26 Hotfix 1 (v0.3.4.6)

b26 Hotfix 1 (v0.3.4.6)


  • Fixed a crash which could occur when some monsters with pets were killed.


  • Level Limit increased to 45 or 50 for most areas in Act3.
  • Fixed an issue with pathing on Bridge to Gryver’s Sawmill
  • Adjusted Thall’Nosh attributes
  • Fixed another issue with the Seamtress quest dialogue preventing its completion
  • Adjusted the spawn rate of Revenants for the Order of Death’s Vigil, particularly Frost Revenants

[Class & Skills]

  • Stun Jacks and Full Spread lighting and electrocute damage swapped. This was intended for B26 but only Stun Jacks was changed, leaving both the base skill and modifier with lightning damage. This change should help to balance the skill and promote investment in both the base and modifier for quickjack builds, especially now that the projectiles are working properly.

Another sleepless night I see, Rhis. Thanks for your hard work :smiley:

Edit: The Amalgamation isn’t scaling. He is still level 44.

for quickjack builds

Without transmuter still useless

BTW, Lightning damage was greatly nerfed.

I really hope this means there will be less of them. Death’s vigil is pretty tough with all the life drain, slowing, freezing, and summoning.

Oh, and speaking of level scaling, are there any places where Cronley’s Gang will scale up to level 40+? The ones in Croney’s hideout stop at ~35 and that isn’t enough to give reputation at level 50.

With the Shaman mastery coming and all the new items to accommodate it, lightning damage is now much more easy to acquire; it may have been nerfed per se, but soon it will be more viable than ever (especially for Demo + Sham builds that side with Kymon’s Chosen). :wink:

Cutting the base damage in half isn’t going to make it more viable.

That particular fix did not make hotfix 1, oops; but even if it did, it impacts monsters that spawn for Bounties Only, so not bosses that are always there.

The max level in Cronley’s hideout will be increased for Early Access so you can keep earning reputation from Outlaws.

What is this about then :confused:

Every enemy in that area is level 50-55 where before the hotfix they were at their level 40 scale and every other boss scales as well such as the hive queen and gollus. The amalgamation is literally the lowest level enemy in the entire chapter 2 area.

Ah right…you made me remember that the Amalgmation isn’t spawned by standard means. Its level will be updated in Hotfix 2.

Why not make all the monster levels in the game scale with the character? Would that cause any balance issues?

Seriously guys, take a weekend off! you deserve a couple of those!

Hmm. Quick jacks still seem great. But chaos bolt is where it’s at :slight_smile:


There was a discussion about this a loooooooonnng time ago. Just ignore the fact that it doesn’t for now, it will in the two higher difficulties.

I thought only in the last difficulty

I can be corrected if I’m wrong, but the way I interpreted a comment from Zantai many weeks (months?) ago was that in Elite all zones would scale with players equally, though to a certain point, and beyond that point you’d need to go into Ultimate.

We haven’t actually made a decision yet on this. I think at one point that may have been the assumption by Zantai or someone else but, I haven’t really thought about it yet enough to say we’ll definitively do one thing or the other. We’ll see when we start balancing it.

I suspect we’ll retain at least some level limit scaling across Elite and then, I’m pretty sure we’ll always scale the minimum level for each zone in both higher difficulties so there is some sense of progression.

If it did scale we would have a hard time getting lower level epics :eek:

Or allow low level epics (not yellows or whites) to drop from high level enemies whose randomness is independent of same level epics so people won’t feel like they’re getting wasted epic rolls from bosses for example.

Oooh… I see hotfix 2 is out now. I wonder what changes this update brings? :smiley: