[b31] - Lightning/Fire Retaliation Tank

I found single target DPS very reasonable. Will have to post video so you can judge for yourself. The build may benefit from moving to a more offense oreintated devotion skill setup if you are concerned with DPS VS some ranged bosses. Just make sure to grab tree of life & giants blood if you are going more offensive and you should be good :slight_smile:

Also - For what it’s worth, I can facetank pretty much everything in game (except Ult Log)

Good call - That would be a great ring for this build.

Was also considering lifegiver signet or open hand of mercy.

Any devotion changes after nerfs?

Just seen those right now…i can’t believe they nerfed nearly all the defensive and health regen devotions so badly…

So yes - I think this warrants the move to more offensive devotions. Most likely tree of life + giants blood with a bunch of +damage nodes thrown in.

they actually nerfed behemot too and really hard

how about going for dryad instead

How does Stormtitan Treads compare to Golemborn Greaves in this build?
You lose out on a skill since the Treads have points in Counter Strike but you gain higher retaliation and don’t have the drawbacks of Golemborns procced skill which reduces the enemies attack speed.

First post was updated 15th March. Does that mean that the Devotions are sorted after the update?
This build has been super fun to level up with. (Following the level progression on post #6)