Starting off. I am brand spankin new to this. I am posting here in the hopes of a suggestion for a good build that is easy for a newbie both gear-wise and playstyle-wise. Preferably something that isn’t only a tank. Would like Range mostly. Something where i can kill everything before it can touch me pretty much. Any and All help is much appreciated. Thank you all.
The best candidate I can think of for you is Dreeg’s Evil Eye from the Occultist mastery. You can focus on this skill alone for the first 25 levels. Then you can check out one of the numerous poison Witch Hunter builds here.
Vitality Conjurer, very very newb friendly
Thanks! I have a direction to venture forth in now!
You can also have a look in the Build Compendium
to get more ideas/suggestions.
Welcome to the game and to the forum.
wow my eyes went right over that compendium. that’s very helpful! thank you
For the most up-to-date builds look for ones that say v1.0.0.6 or v1.0.0.7. v1.0.0.7 only came out a few days ago so there may not be many builds altered to reflect the changes. Also bear in mind that many builds are gear specific so you may need to do a lot of farming to find them. Some older builds may be viable, but things get nerfed or boosted with the various updates so sometimes a older build will be broken because hasn’t been updated.
I’d 2nd vitality conjurer or poison witch hunter. Btw older guides for those two work fine as not much has changed (core wise) in either. Although merciless repertoire is much better than it used to be.