Back OLD Auto Sort

I never intentionally auto-sorted, so getting a confirmation popup is good. Not having the button at all would be even better :smiley:

I actually believe the reason they added a confirmation prompt now of all times is that they changed the overall layout of the stash. With the new auto-stash-components button on the right (that I totally love btw.), the auto-sort one is now to the left, directly under the ‘change to personal/shared stash’ button.

Which makes hitting auto-sort by accident much more likely – and annoying.

So either this – or have auto-sort switch places with the auto-complete components button, as that one causes the least madness when pushed accidentally.

I know that with the thematic grouping of component-related buttons on the right, stuff is a little more intuitive. But I think I’d vote for more practical instead.

Crazy old-school geezers…


I have a logic to how I sort things, auto-sort always ruins that

Messy kids just throw everything into the closet, close the door and call it a day :smile:

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U calling me a messy teenage kid? :rage:

Throws a fit, breaks the closet, shoves wreckage under his bed, calls it a day

In V1.1.4.2, shift-clicking the sort button will skip the confirmation prompt.


Gamepad user here. I use Auto-Sort religiously (at least 10-12 times per visit to the stash, sorting across multiple stash tabs). I also strongly dislike the new confirmation dialog.

Shift-clicking would help mouse users who (like me) dislike the new confirmation prompt - but will there be any workaround for Gamepad users such as myself?

Edit: My personal preference would be a checkbox on the options dialog to enable/disable the confirmation dialog)


I use the sort feature VERY frequently & would like a toggle since I never have a need for any confirmation it is only an annoyance to me. I have all items sorted in separate stashes based on category & level ranges so PLEASE can we have a toggle??? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I still think any tenuous need to ‘meticulously hand sort’ went entirely out the window now that you can literally type a few letters to pop-up what you want.

But ultimately I’m down with options to fit play-style, so I’m of the opinion this should be a toggle in the option menu and not a shift-click scenario.

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Completely agree. I made the same common in the patch notes thread. I am so glad that this little thing got added. Now that said, some are asking for a toggle to always keep it on instead of it being default and I’d be totally okay with that but if they don’t add that I will not be in the least bit heart broken.
EDIT: Just saw Zantai’s response about the next update having a way to skip that so now everyone should hopefully be happy.

I’m aware this is not a solution for gamepad users. The PROGRAMMER is considering options.


There is a simple option for all Players: Make a checkbox option. So everybody can choose their favorite playstyle.
Pressing shift all the time is not really a good solution for those who dont want this confirmation.


Though i’d argue the “Shift” Functionality they will add with the next Patch is still a great addition, due it also smoothen the whole thing out for People who do for certain things use Auto-Sort and for other Stuff Manually Sort. IMHO it’s a pretty elegant Solution. Still not saying that an “toggable” Option in general is a bad idea on top of that upcoming feature.

I’d prefer a toggle in options, which would also work for both control schemes.
While shift clicking provides the option to bypass the message, you still have to hold one button extra compared to the old version and you might forget to hold it sometimes due to muscle memory, which leads to an unwanted pop-up.

With a toggle you just have to set the preferred option once and never need to think about it again.


I like this solution. It will help me avoid accidentally sorting tabs which I do not want to auto sort, but still allows me to sort components tabs without too many clicks.

I can almost hear as The PROGRAMMER says
“Oh, shit, this checkbox is too difficult to implement, fuck this shit, it’ll take shittons of a days to implement and it will bring some more bugs, so I won’t do this shit, let’s just do the Shift+Click”

And then gamepad users ruin his perfect arguments…

Well, it’s got to work for gamepads since the game is being ported to Xbox. So THE PROGRAMMER has to sort it out somehow.

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couldn’t agree more! BRING BACK OLD SORT! Don’t need an option, it’s not deleting!

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a little late in agreeing though, as in you can choose whether you want the warning or not…

You could choose and people agreed to it? I am blown away…