Back OLD Auto Sort

I’m offer to back old auto-sort option

And made such setting in game options if someone want confirm your choice


I’m perfectly fine with it, so many times I screwed up my stash by pressing auto-sort instead of combine. It would be questionable if it was for character inventory, but I suppose it’s stash only.


Yes, 100% yes.

This is annoying AF, you have to click from 4 to 24 times in a row sometimes, just to confirm the SLIGHTEST change. Can this be made a toggle, so we don’t have to suffer through this?


6 Columns
4 times push YES for round
24 total push YES

Is new auto-sort option the bad joke ???

Yes, I agree with the author. Vernytb, kak bilo.

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“Allow or disallow”

Reminds me of windows 8

I agree.

Still have to add, a toggable option for this would be the best…

I by myself are never used autosorting in shared stash, so I really don’t care about this confirmation button
For someone who used autosorting often I see a problem here, this are really annoying to push on “yes” button 10-12 times
So, maybe, this option could be a toggle-able


At first I thought my game was broken… I’m clicking autosort quite often, so to me that’s not a qol feature, on the contrary.

+1 for it being toggleable, I often click auto-sort 4 times to get the proper config


+1 AF


I never intentionally auto-sorted, so getting a confirmation popup is good. Not having the button at all would be even better :smiley:

I actually believe the reason they added a confirmation prompt now of all times is that they changed the overall layout of the stash. With the new auto-stash-components button on the right (that I totally love btw.), the auto-sort one is now to the left, directly under the ‘change to personal/shared stash’ button.

Which makes hitting auto-sort by accident much more likely – and annoying.

So either this – or have auto-sort switch places with the auto-complete components button, as that one causes the least madness when pushed accidentally.

I know that with the thematic grouping of component-related buttons on the right, stuff is a little more intuitive. But I think I’d vote for more practical instead.

Crazy old-school geezers…


I have a logic to how I sort things, auto-sort always ruins that

Messy kids just throw everything into the closet, close the door and call it a day :smile:

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U calling me a messy teenage kid? :rage:

Throws a fit, breaks the closet, shoves wreckage under his bed, calls it a day

In V1.1.4.2, shift-clicking the sort button will skip the confirmation prompt.


Gamepad user here. I use Auto-Sort religiously (at least 10-12 times per visit to the stash, sorting across multiple stash tabs). I also strongly dislike the new confirmation dialog.

Shift-clicking would help mouse users who (like me) dislike the new confirmation prompt - but will there be any workaround for Gamepad users such as myself?

Edit: My personal preference would be a checkbox on the options dialog to enable/disable the confirmation dialog)


I use the sort feature VERY frequently & would like a toggle since I never have a need for any confirmation it is only an annoyance to me. I have all items sorted in separate stashes based on category & level ranges so PLEASE can we have a toggle??? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I still think any tenuous need to ‘meticulously hand sort’ went entirely out the window now that you can literally type a few letters to pop-up what you want.

But ultimately I’m down with options to fit play-style, so I’m of the opinion this should be a toggle in the option menu and not a shift-click scenario.

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