Grim Dawn Version

Pardon my french but… the fuck, really?

You could cut all player scaled pet’s dps by half and kiters would still be the ones going deepest in SR due to quasi infinite monster damage scaling, meanwhile in MC kiters “boast” 20-40 sec nemesis kill times (converging to the latter by every other patch) while being in somewhat actual danger as those nems have time to use their most dangerous stuff multiple times a fight.

On the other hand autoattackers/spammer dunking them in single digit and being safer while doing it as poor enemies barely have time to wipe the blear from their eyes before dying.

Back in vanilla days Z said (multiple times) that you won’t be balancing GD around cruci. That obviously wasn’t true but it’s effect to my playing experience was actually much milder than i expected so 'twas all right. But SR is in a whole different ballpark. It’s literally the worst (well, to be fair the only bad, really) thing ever happened to my favourite game of all time.

Other than this, patch is top notch (maybe except the eldritch fire / rumor thing), keep it up.

Thanks for the patience towards my ranting, still love you.


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Why the confirmation box for auto sort with the smuggler? Do you know how often I have to click that button to try to make space in my storage for whatever i’m trying to shove in? Just seems like a pointless change - what was the problem? Was anyone actually complaining that they had misclicked auto sort and ruined some sort of superior manual sorting system they’d had in place?

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Over the years there have actually been tons of manual sorting gamers that have, actually, complained about their precious manual systems being messed up with mis-clicks. But yes, I agree that it needs to just be a toggle for those of us who don’t care about that nonsense.


Well done Crate! You guys actually belong to a very exclusive group of game developers that actually CARE about and LISTEN to their user base. Most game houses are pretty indifferent to their user requests and are only interested in “Instant Gain” profits. Your stategy and dedication will result in a longer payoff, but payoff there will be! A further expansion is now literally guaranteed to be a comercial susccess based on this. No need to mention what automatic loyalty and support you would receive from a GD2 project.

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Any chance the auto sort confirmation could be made optimal?

Leave your thoughts here too. Yes, it’s indeed annoying.

One thing I really want is game speed control. Starting new character feel boring even I speed run.

I don’t see any of this in game after patch…

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Atleast for myself it’s not like i don’t see any use for autosort or don’t use it all for myself, quite the opposite. Like Component, try to manually sort them, that’s insane.

The Problem is due i actually use Auto-Sort regularly your muscle memory learn this and it happens if you aren’t 100% focused, that you click auto-sort out of an habit, and than the 10 up 20 or even more minutes which did take it to sort / find a system for it sum up and kills the gameflow.

It’s not like i’m agains the idea of adding as an Option. I mean IRL i’d argue most people won’t throw their games on top of their plates or the books in their linen closet or whatever. I’d argue most people have some kind of place where they place their books, a place where they put their games, a place where they put their movies and such, so they easily find the stuff when they need it. And that’s with manually sorting in such Games too.

i mostly never raise any critique or complains about the Game. Quite the opposite i often defend design decision.

I admit that I use certain stashes for custom sorting of set items or groups of items and have cursed on more than one occasion when accidently clicking that sort button. I welcome the new feature, but totally agree with the majority that maybe having it as a toggle option is the way to go to please EVERYONE?


Z addressed this further up the notes… apparently change only made it to AoM… next hotfix will get it out to FG owners post haste.


LMAO. Made my day.

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Hey guys, I just came back to the game after a really long time. Could someone just explain to me why do we need to wait 5 seconds to summon the second spirit of Empyrion, what’s the point? Has it always been like that?

this is a hot… hotfix! have yet to read the item changes but so far so good! autosort confirmation, energy-leechable bosses, insane fixes, ty!!!

yeah the energy leech on bosses + the reduction on item granted skills makes HUGE difference on some builds.

There’s always been a delay in summoning any pets in the game whether they’re pet or player based.

uhm, my version of the item has %aether… did they fix the hotfix?

Yes, literally minutes after the initial hotfix.

since that %aether damage to krieg shoulderguards, do you think we could, maybe, get %chaos damage on darkblaze belt? afterall it’s a chaos based set and it only got %fire damage…

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Anne keeping one shot my Warlord capped res in SR 75, thanks for balancing. Even soloing 1v1 her dmg output is ridiculous.