Ballog'Nath + Protectors are still overtuned for a blue SR boss

Liking the new attack Reaper has got now. All nems seem potent and balanced now. Can’t say the same about the blue bosses.

This trio have insane dmg, Ballog alone can oneshot you under homing missiled Sunder with attacks that are very hard to dodge. Might have smth to do with this:

Isn’t it supposed to be 35%? But even with 35% Sunder those guys are stronger than any Nemesis. And please, if it’s possible, reduce their hitbox. Pathing is awful and they bounce off range all the time.


Seems like the Sunder revert on bosses didn’t go through.

Inashkor has 42% as opposed to supposed 30%, Zantarin has 71% for some reason.

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i was breezing through SR 75-76 and then fought theese and they clapped me back to town :smiley: did not expect that dmg. I think its fine to have harder / weaker bosses but they feel like an outlier.

42% is pre-buff for Inashkor.

Looks like Zantarin’s range modifiers are amplifying the Sunder debuff, that will need addressing. That is not new in v1.2.1 though.

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Reaper of the Lost has 91%

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in deed.

It seems that there are some sunder procs not being correctly dialed back.

was mentioned in another thread, but suspect it’s because they are mainly phys dmg, and with big hit skills