Battlemage aether shield build showcase (video)

Hi all,
my intent isnt to make a full guide but just to showcase my battlemage. A lot of people are saying that battlemage arent that good, all i can say to that is I am quite suprised by how powerfull it can be.

The only thing Id like is having the Mindwrap proc up more consistently since its a significant amount of damage increase!
The downside to my setup is having something like -150 health regen with Hungering void up. A bit less with overguard and overall the negative health regen seems to be fine. I might change that in the future but for now that`s my set-up!

To showcase the build I decided to go kill aetherials monsters because it`s ‘‘supposed’’ to be the weakeness of the build.
In the end the Aether shield build is quite powerfull!
Youtube link :
Hopefully Battlemage gets some love!

Grimtools link :

For those interested I figured a way to use Golemborn Greaves boots. It add more tankiness to the build at the cost of only 27 less OA (in my case) and Bleeding resist at 73

I’ve theorycrafted a couple Battlemage builds and even made a character which performs quite fine but nothing spectacular compared to many top tier builds especially when it comes to Crucible that is still the reality of Battlemage

Made a CT Battlemage and been wanting to make an AAR one.

And in this particular build you showcased, sadly Witchblade performs and reaches a lot higher numbers. You lose MoE but still got a circuit breaker in case and gain another heal + hp regen buff. With somewhat a dream weapon. Shattered Reality instead of Fury would push 11k flat Aether damage. And this if you say that weapon is bs to get. Still full Warborn pretty much reaches superior numbers in every aspect. 0 MI’s and still manages to max Cadence.

Yeah, I think my 2hd CT + procs Battlemage is one of my most viable and fun toons(Temporal Arcblade ftw :D). And although it doesn’t use a shield it’s quite tanky with 20/12 Maivens and good DA/Resis/Armor, I was able to clear gladiator crucible completely without serious problems, only using some crucible buffs like that 60% HP thingie, no towers. I don’t know/care too much about meta and build tiers, but I think that’s pretty good. And I have to say that I like Battelmages in general :slight_smile:

Interesting!! I was thinking of making a build around Temporal Arcblade. Would you mind sharing your build to check what worked for you?

I don’t always do builds for the crucible, because it`s not really HC friendly. I still did it in HC Gladiator with a Ct build and a Fire proc melee commando build.

You’re saying that your Witchblade reaches higher numbers. What is the average crits on ennemies? I can tell you use chaos to aether conversion. Also, your highest crit damage on tab3?
Obviously My battlemage does’t reach the highest DA and I can kinda fix it by give up damage by using something like 2 pieces of the justice set. I guess triggering The manticore proc on the skill from the Peerless eye helps since the skill reduce Ennemies’s OA. But frankly if I had to give up something it would be my pants first for a godly MI. Pretty sure that won’t happends any soon, so for now I keep those :rolleyes:
Futhermore, You reach higher OA, but I have more resist reduction.
You also have more armor because Warborn set have higher armor value then iskandra on top of giving armor as the first set bonus.

Also I’m not quite sure about your Bloodlord Blade. The only thing that I could see is more consistent high damage because when using Mindwrap you can really tell when the proc is up, especially against monsters either more resistant or with an higher health pool… but the proc isn’t always up…

Sorry, not in detail, because I fear the nerf hammer :wink: thats why I don’t post any of my builds anymore, everything that works good and is fun gets nerfed to the ground sadly :frowning:

But I can say it’s mostly pretty standard. CT is not completely maxed though (only 1 point in Inferno actually) because my priority were the procs from agrivix relic, aetherreach gloves etc. CT DPS is @30k. The usual RR sources like widow, band o t eternal haunt ring etc. Soldier, Maivens, Mirror for defense. Don’t know what else to say, pretty straightforward build, just using arcblade instead of s & b to use CT %weapon dmg to the max :slight_smile: 3 pieces Iskandra for phys. resistance. Am using only 1 rare/MI even :). Thats it, I’ll leave the rest for you to figure out yourself, imho thats most of the fun anyway :smiley:

@MrTek: Sorry for derailing your thread, just wanted to point out I also like CT battlemage, and its even viable without using a shield^^

Hi guys!
I said that my next Nemesis would be Fabius so I farmed the Cronley Hideout.
Result? I killed him twice quite fast but it was a bit ‘‘squetchy’’. How to fix? Well, although it’s totally doable as it is and quite fast, you could use the same gear but use 2x Haunted steal or maybe switching for a siege breaker shield.

I didn’t try the 2 solution above but I’m pretty confident with 2x haunted stealth though, since on both time having a second one with a second Bloodthirter skill would have made the whole process pretty smooth :smiley:

I was able to facetank both times, except for 2 sec eaach time waiting for my cooldowns, hence why I think a second haunted sleath would fix that. I will probably try it to see the overall damage anyways, on any monsters.

Numbers are there i mean. Everything is a lot higher from DA/OA/HP/Armor and there is more than 4k+ flat damage in difference, not to mention 40%+ attack speed.

And using a nice Aetherfire Master’s Spellblade would put around 10 more flat resist reduction than your setup.
You can still argue about reaching higher crit damage but i think with 4k+ less flat damage and unmaxed Cadence with 40%+ less attack speed is unlikely to have higher DPS output.

Also tried the highest damage dealt and its seen as 95463.

Not bad, mine is like 127k. EDIT : Now at 134k damage
Also maxing blitz would help you a lot damage wise.
DPS means nothing.
I also have 1.7k % aether damage.
25% more crit damage.
At least from the video.

The only aspect where your set up shine compared to mine might be tankiness

For those interested I figured a way to use Golemborn Greaves boots. It add more tankiness to the build at the cost of only 27 less OA (in my case) and Bleeding resist at 73