[BD] Pure Callidor Spellbinder Gladiator 170EX 12 min

Video : https://www.bilibili.com/video/av32030306/

Grimtools: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/vNQKDkYV

more offensive : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/M2gv7jKN

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It’s critical important to have 100% convertion from chaos to aether so that Agrivix’s malice is fully converted to aether to boost up your melee battle damage.

No devastation!:slight_smile:

Keep your options open to

Hey. Interesting mix.

Just a heads up. Ravenous earth needs to kill on it’s own in order to proc foul eruption.

Idk if it’s enough for the mob to be under the effect of decay and be killed by another spell

really? never noticed that one . awww it’s shity.

I’ll have to verify it . If that’s true, which is very possible if you say so, then I can remove all points invested.

But again this is confusing way to understand, if the target is terminated, then to proc resistance reduction seems meaningless?

Edit 1 from it’s description it seems that’s the case ~

And here we are again with ABCbarbecue and his ‘fuck Da’ builds. Seriously, man how do you even survive with that stats. Really good player here. And that’s with 2 buffs, no banner. Wow.

Anyways, I also made a similar build and while I won’t comment on your item choices (i know that’s your style), I do have some things to say about the skills.

-does the lifesteal from harbinger outweigh the damage you get from Reckless Power? If you get more damage you also get more lifesteal. I really wanna see reckless power here.

-why foul eruption? It doesn’t work well because you need to kill things with RE for it to work. Points should be on decay and get something like Manticore for the RR.

Foul Eruption helps greatly if you make a build around RE. Allows to skip Manticore and increases damage at the same time. But it’s useless if RE doesn’t kill enemies.

I love this build btw.
What about the Maw of Despair for extra ADCtH to entire CT?
No way I think but I’m curious how that helm affects the survivability.

Coverting all of Agrivix’s Malice to aether is nice, but what about converting more fire dmg from CT to aether with Cord of Violent Decay? Wouldn’t that be a more efficient use of CT?

Harbinger versus recless power? it’s more personal choice. But in my design of this build, life steal is none about damage but safe transition while mirror and torment is in line of CD. This fits better with my general ideas of how to arrange my skills. With all CDRs collected from full set Clairvoyant set, Duality ring and Time diation, then it is very insignificant how “fragile” your build is. As you plan out yours, more common choice would be to stack up DA as high as possible to dodge critdamage. Mine? Shuffle life saving skills with random CDR recduction and use as high life steal as possible to cushion the waiting peroid.

Well foul errouption is more of my neglegence of full understanding of this skill. Necro mastery is not a very familiar/favourite one to me since I don’t like this mastery very much. As you point out, I guess DECAY SHOULD get more points than erruption.


Yes that’s one of the selections as way as warthborne leggwraps.

but melee attack avoidance endowed by phantom-threat girdle goes well with wraith walk from shoes. Also as a caster, I always like engery abosorbtion from enemies so to maintain proper energy. Finally it’s just preference.
but then, 50% of conversion is an up opt.

What I meant was there’s a possibility that you’ll havr the same amount of lifesteal with Reckless Power but have more damage, since your lifesteal also scales off weapon damage. That will need some calculations, which I can’t do right now cause I’m on mobile and I can’t check grimtools for reckless power weapon damage values. Harbinger still probably wins on lifesteal but it’s worth a look, imo.

well since harb has % aetehr. I don’t think flat aetehr from reckless outplays harbinger.

off topic, i never liked reckless power. It’s a pretty cheap exclusive compared to it’s name

I suck at calc. :slight_smile:
when everything seems get- by to me, I hate to burn extra mind to see which is slightly better. :slight_smile:

At rank 22 reckless its 73 to 79 (so 76 flat) times 78% wd it adds 60 aether damage to a skill that (assuming we use a violent decay belt…) is already doing easily 500+ aether/hit.

In short harbinger grants vastly more survivability…but i suspect if you build a bit less glassy you could get away with just ghoul and a seal of blades (or two, if you feel the need) plus perhaps a Maw of Despair. That’d get you into the low to mid teens on lifesteal already…

As for your rr problem with ravenous earth have you tried the full rage of Agrivix set? It grants flat rr from the pets. And wouldn’t play havoc on your devotions.

In the senerio that errupted corruption fails to function, I guess essence of Cth’on would be a bit helpful.

That reduction is only applied through weapon damage and with amount of weapon damage.
100% WD = 15% RR, 55+18% WD = 11% RR

yes I am aware when it’s less than 100%, then it will be shrinked. But little is still better than none. ~

BTW, from my current video, even with erruption not working well, still damage is superior. Not a necessity to fight for flat RR.