A little Fangs of Asterkarn project…
Interesting! Maybe a bit of glow along the rays or at the source for artistic effect?
Well, you guys always did MOAR… It would be a shame after this gif if it turned out not to be a playable AAR modifier (or item skill, whichever)
you can’t just tease us like that and not have FoA release tomorrow - geneva convention forbids torture, cruel and inhumane punishments
The fun is actually being allowed??
Well he must have been on a pretty good dose of blotter when the legendary wizard came up with Albrecht’s Aether Rave
boots 'n cats 'n boots 'n cats 'n boots 'n cats 'n B E A M S. . . . . .
It would make item hunting and exploration more meaningful if this were to be used as a skill modifier
That new edge of reality looks really nice
Hope to visit someday
Spinization: a form of convergent evolution in which non-spin2win builds evolve into a spin2win form.
And now we need to combine this with conversion sfx changes and become the Master of Skittles
A stack of Void Rays and Destroyer (if that ray also chain attack)
What the…
Some good ideas above here.
Lets combine aar with eor then!
My immediate thought was cold transmuter Drain Essence + Winds of Asterkarn.
Why does this remind me of that:
Master Zantai playing with the heart pressure of humans hahaha, a perfect ethereal effect, reminds me of gamma rays from dance clubs haha