Become the new Build Compendium curator

That will depend on whoever takes it over and what criteria, etc, they decide they want to use for it.

Just add it to curator duties.

Class list is one of things I don’t like both Forum and GT. Even with my game length of service I don’t have a need to remember all classcombos, and search where is my, for example, demo+necro or it listed as necro+demo is boring.
The table in this is case more practical.

I use the Compendium mostly out of habit. I like the formatting, being quickly able to filter for leveling builds, beginner guides, hardcore viable, etc. because after ~1000 hours of (mostly) beginner hardcore builds I still consider myself a mediocre pilot with barely passable knowledge of this game :sweat_smile:

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We can have a class table in any case. But with ten masteries it might exceed the width of the forum, unless the text size is adjusted in every cell… but that’s a future problem.

(Just the thoughts of a retired guy who just stumbled into the forums)

You’re actually spot on. When I started playing in vanilla, there were like 5 people who posted builds. And not all of them could do crucible (there was no sr at the time so cruci is the hardest content outside mogdrogen). This meant that if you see a build capable of clearing crucible then it pretty much guarantees that the build is well optimized. As time passed, people got better at actually playing the game that meme builds can now clear cruci in decent speeds (or sr 75-76 reliably once that came out). Droprates also went up that people who don’t gdstash can now make builds, and more people just played GD in general, so more people submit builds and the compendium only really had a policy of “as long as it follows the format then it’s good enough”.

I think it is a good time to move onto GT builds. Yes there will probably be more low quality builds put in. But if the compendium is gonna continue to accept bad builds, then that better be automated so we don’t burden one guy to put the builds on manually. If we’re gonna start curating the compendium to only include builds that pass some criteria then it’s gonna be too subjective and it’ll just cause drama. Better go with the easiest solution, imo.

Also this helps Dammitt, who’s been one of the biggest reasons why a lot of these builds exist in the first place, even more.


how did it end? nothing? -)
neither Dammitt, I see, improves the filters on their site,
neither the compendium is updated?

so maybe there are some nuggets in website construction? I’m ready to give my website (and the Chrome extension for grabbing build data from [GrimTools] Build Calculator) to the craftsmen for rework and improvement.

well, or maybe the main builders will make a general decision and I can modify the site to suit their requirements