Been gone quite a while and need a new, fun build

I haven’t played in a long time. Would like suggestions on a fun build that I can play for a while. Don’t care what build, just something you thought was fun to play. Looking forward to starting again.

What do you have of the game? Just the base GD or one or both expansions? Makes a difference to what people can suggest.

I have all expansions. Also some leveling gear. No end game gear. Lost a hard drive once and lost a lot of nice gear.

Here is one of my finished builds with pets and lots of taunt.

How it is fun u may ask? U simply don’t need any MIs really (so it’s easy to assemble) & since pets do lots of taunt u are being ignored (in a good way, I promise) so foes only attack at you.

Very fun concept if u ask me, few people on steam forums liked it as well, so there you go. :smiley:


Wow, instant fan, really like it on paper. I will definitely try it, really like the concept of Death Gate coupled with unstable blight fiend.
Nice job !

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Thank you! Starting it now. I have one or two pet builds that I never finished but was always intrigued. Will let you know how it goes.

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