Beginner Build for Nightblade?

Hi all, I have been looking through the forums, but am curious if anyone has a beginner build for Nightblade. I think I want to do DW ( if possible ).

I’m VERY new to THIS game, but not these TYPES of games.

Any suggestions to start with? I read somewhere that pure Nightblade has the most dps?


I read somewhere that pure Nightblade has the most dps?


But it’s a class that goes well with almost anything:

Blademaster (IMHO the best. There’s a good guide by GeneralCash for a dw one in the first page of this section.)

Spellbreaker (Shadowflame ShadowStrike spammer is imo the most interesting to play, but also the most difficult to gear and it is not a dw build)

Saboteur (there’s a guide by Jajaja somewhere)

Witch Hunter

Anyway just search this forum, or take a look at the Build Compendium thread (It is the first)

Thanks, I’ll check those out!

WitchHunter LOOKS neat, but I’ll make sure to weigh all my options.

I haven’t played a WH so I can’t comment on that, but for a beginner I would probably recommend Sabo probably just because of being less gear dependent and the fact that you can get your best dual wield weapons for free. I find spellbreaker/blademaster to be really point starved without gear. Been awhile since I played a breaker w/o gear, but I imagine you lose quite a bit of dps w/o the goods. Fun class though! I love blademaster to death, but it’s honestly kind’ve aids without the gear.

Spellbreaker can definitely be dual wield build and I’m pretty sure ETK knows this cause he seems to know his stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

Spellbreaker can definitely be dual wield build and I’m pretty sure ETK knows this cause he seems to know his stuff

I only pointed out that Shadowflame’s SB is the most “interesting” to play, not that it is the most powerful. It is just cool to puff-out and jump from mob to mob…:smiley:

If i just want to have a “classic” dualwielding char, blademasters and saboteur are the best choices. Also TomoDak is right, sabos are easier to gear.

Witch-hunters do not give me the “feeling” of a dw char, even if they are actually dw. Equipment is also easier to get than a BM, and they can be effective and safe to play at the same time (used to have one in HC, poison based)

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