First sorry for my English, I am not a native speaker, far from it.
I have bought the game recently, it is really nice I have to say, much better than PoE and quite different from D2/D3. In such game (ie. game where it is not possible to refound every stats) I like to follow a build guide (just because really why no refound?).
So i decided to follow this guide - edit - which I cannot link since it’s my first post here (stupid idea) :
it is the “Tri-element Saboteur 2.0” dual blade
(I am aware that is is slightly outdated, I read page 80 - Btw, and I am really sorry to say it, but this site is really ugly and it makes everything about the game extremely unclear…especially with all the technical jargon)
Nevermind, I started in veteran, because “why not ?” and the game was really easy until I reached level 40, at this point I switched to melee dagger as suggested in the build and all went wrong…I never died as range, I was just owning everything, It required a little kitting sometime but it’s ok I guess.
As melee, I just keep dying again and again…I have much more damage, but I just can’t survive and I am forced to kite a lot more, which is kinda ironical. And there are some really annoying shit like aetherfire and crystals that just destroy me. I cannot go anymore in the conflagration, whereas I reached the necropolis with range spec. Also Dots kill me so easily, it happened many times that poison killed me after I killed every foes (yes I am spamming pneumatic burst).
So now I am stuck, should I go back to range and I am afraid to be stuck later on in the game, or is there anything I missed with the melee build (I just take too much damage)?
Also, just some random questions, why is it that developers find it funny to add 2500 different kind of components? It is a PoE disease (without “Search bar” - sigh). I can’t really see the fun in that, especially for beginners. Are there some place to farm components, how do I know where to find what? For instance, where do I get “haunted steel”, the forgemaster doesn’t even has it in its list? Why the quest objectives are so minimalistic (really it’s much worse than D2) I just keep looking on the Grim Dawn wiki, because I actually don’t have the courage to read and memorize the 200 lines of reading for each quest.
Thanks a lot for your help, especially if you have any idea why I just can’t make the melee build works or I you have any other beginner build to suggest.