Can anyone please recommend a good build for a beginner that doesn’t require any particular gear and can be played relatively smoothly (with some farming, etc.) up through ultimate?
The information I can find seems to be from several patches ago and there have been lots of balance changes since then. I have a few characters that have just gotten hammered on the higher difficulties because they are either gear dependent or the guides I’ve followed have been too out of date. Unfortunately I don’t really have time to experiment with tons of stuff, and would prefer to just enjoy playing the game successfully.
Seriously, just play the game. People want to be successful but don’t want to play the game to better understand it. Where’s people sense of adventure?
Check the Build Compendium. Things haven’t changed that much from to
I appreciate what you’re trying to say, but your circumstances and mine must not be the same. As I mentioned, I have half a dozen or so characters that have made it to elite difficulty and all of them have faced immediate and repeated death as they try to progress through Elite.
My limited game time doesn’t allow for a bunch more characters at 10 or 20 hours a pop just to try them out, only to find that they also won’t let me experience the itemization and dungeons only available in the higher difficulties. It’s not because I don’t want to, it’s because I can’t.
As for the build compendium, it’s certainly helpful. Unfortunately, from what I can tell, there are literally zero builds with a gear dependency of 1.
witchhunter, either poison or vitality caster, can easily complete ultimate with faction gear and selffound stuff. don’t expect to farm mad queen without gears and such though.
Elite is still easy. I have only four characters all of them can do elite relatively easy and all just found gear. Only two of these four were based on builds from the forum and only one required a little bit of respec (my first ever character) to get into Elite.
Its only in ultimate when it gets more difficult and the build needs to be more optimized