Beijing French

Hey guys!

So here’s my intro:
I’m JB, a.k.a Jimp.
A french living in Beijing, China for 5 years.
I was interested in a game for a while, was following the updates and decided to finally buy it.
I played some D3 (disappointment), played some PoE until they gave Asian rights away (now the connection sucks for me :frowning: )

Anyway, love ARPG, love Grim Dawn so far and happy to be here

Welcome to the community! Don’t forget that we have both Chinese and French localization for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello Jimperator

welcome to the forum and Grim Dawn, enjoy your stay and if aren’t sure about some mechanic’s in GD feel free to ask them. you can also use the guide and other sites to help you with those!

-Guide explaining the basic’s, some detailed information. What you might find and expect in Grim Dawn
-Items database the current items you can find in Grim Dawn
-monsters roaming in Grim Dawn
-Grimcalc creating a visual build of what you want to make

see you around!

Hey guys,

Thanks for the welcome.
I went through most of the forum already before posting, and already got a soldier lvl 31 and a Nightblade lvl 35.
Thanks for the links tho.

I guess so far i don’t have much question, just trying to find some people to play with :slight_smile:

You may check this steam group :
They’re all chinese Grim Dawn players, it’s better to play with chinese or american players for a lower latency. You know in our country network is quite different with in France…


Thanks for those threads, it’s gonna be helpful, the only thing is that my Chinese is not so great, I can speak, but when it’s about reading or writing, it’s an other story :smiley:

I think i’d better find some English speaker amongst the Asia Region player, cause as you said, the png is just awful here

Thanks again