The savage techniques of the most brutal and brawny Nightblade master meet the refined runecasting and stalwart conviction of the Luminari Inquisitors. Antics ensue.
This is my first post here. Scary! Spooky! But I think I’ve come up with something really interesting that I haven’t seen much about on here. This is a DW melee build utilizing the Pierce Kalastor Inquisitor conduit.
I really enjoy the Inquistor’s two Rune skills, but utilizing them in their base Elemental forms using something like the Runebinder set always felt a little too glassy for not enough payoff. So I got a little wacky, and it worked far better than I was expecting. What damage type does Inquisitor have aside from Elemental? Pierce! And a conduit that fully converts Kalastor (my preferred of the two skills) into that damage type. Now we’re cooking with gas. Just need a second mastery to support it. Nightblade was my first natural thought for Pierce synergy, and if I was going to be standing in my seal in the faces of things anyways, DW melee with the Belgothian set seemed like a reasonable choice for sustainable damage with a mastery combo that lacks a natural autoattack.
What I failed to factor in was the Dual Blades passive providing a solid 16% physical resistance ON TOP of the same factor of Physical res from Aura of Conviction, bringing me up to a whopping 58% Physical resistance. Add Horn of Gandarr for enemy damage reduction, Seal (obviously), two reliable healing skills in Word of Renewal and Pneumatic Burst, and Shadow Dance dodges, and you’ve got a frankly ridiculously tanky character on your hands. Then, another idea hit me: Belgothian’s Carnage. Previously, I had Serenity in the Relic slot for a circuit breaker, but I realized I was hardly ever proccing it with my ridiculous amount of damage-sponginess. Belgothian’s amplifies all the best parts of the build with a reliable CDR proc. High OA = lots of crits = lots of Belgo procs = lots. And lots. Of Runes. More sustain with more frequent WoR and PB and mobility with Shadow Strike certainly doesn’t hurt either.
I’m not some kind of deep SR expert, and I’ve not tried any superbosses since I’ve finished this build, but for my purposes of farming SR 65-66 this all works like a god damn machine. The class fantasy is fun, the blue Kalastor is fun, and it’s just a unique idea that I enjoyed tinkering with.
I’ve only got about 500 hours in this game, and there’s surely some stuff I don’t know. Feedback is welcome. Thanks for reading!!!