Best farming for negative Chthonian faction?

I found one thread on this saying depraved sanctuary, but it was also a super old thread, and I saw a developer reply about many more Chthonians to farm in B26…

Anyway, advice appreciated… can’t seem to find a great response to it.


If you go through Main campaign fully it will bring it to Hated; just farm totems and bosses, I like to run Blood Grove/Darkvale.

Does anyone know if negative rep scales with difficulty just like normal rep?

You can try Barrowholm bounties, many of them are anti-Chthonic. Not sure if it’s more efficient than just grinding the bastion of chaos.

Eh, not sure but you should be able to check it in the editor.

normal rep scales with difficulty?
isn’t it just quest rep that does that, because it’s fixed like xp “per quest”? :thinking:

Rep from monsters scales too I think, x1 x2 x3

I’m asking so that I don’t have to check

unsure, about trash rep, but i get 187 black legion rep for killing ternox on normal and elite and ultimate :man_shrugging:
87 for heroes
edit. and on avg 3 rep for trash, just checked norm and ultimate, same

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Perhaps only trash rep, I remember checking Kymon’s Chosen regular dudes and maybe I extrapolated it to all enemies. I’ll check it again when I level a new toon because my current one has everything maxed.