I feel bad posting new threads for such small questions as I feel they don’t really help the community much but maybe this will.
I’m looking to create a tree, that when cut down, turns into a stump and drops wood (item).
As of right now I’ve made a copy of the breakable wood door and edited some aspects of it such as mesh, tags, loot, health, blah blah. I’ve placed a stump “inside” the entity so once its destroyed, the stump ‘appears’. All is well, except… I’m looking to add resistances to the tree so it can only be damaged by axes. In my head; make a new damage type, set the trees to have perfect defense against all damage types excluding the new one. Add the new damage type to an ax. Done. Problem being my tree is actually a destructible, not an enemy so defense parameters are not included in the .dbr file.
So I guess what I’m asking is, how would I go about adding resistances to said destructible, if able? OR would I be better off making the tree an ‘enemy’ instead who doesn’t move or attack etc.?
If anyone has a better idea as how to go about achieving cutting down a tree and getting wood I’m all ears.