I am looking for the “best” DW Melee build that involves Nightblade. I have a level 66 pure Nightblade and have held off on selecting a second mastery. I am not worried about a beginner build. I have scoured the guides and builds, however, due to the many patches and “outdated” builds I am unwilling to commit just yet and I am looking for advice. I am looking for a build that can comfortably farm SR 65-66 and preferably 75-76 in reasonable time as well as take all super bosses. Not sure if the build exists in the game’s current state. Thanks in advance!
Depends what you want to play.
Acid/poison? Dervish.
Cold? Probably Spellbreaker, Infiltrator, or Dervish.
Chaos? Witch-Hunter.
Pierce? Blademaster or Infiltrator.
Here’s a few recent builds. Just cause they werent made in .9.6 doesn’t mean they aren’t still viable; in fact Deathmarked got buffs so it should be better, same for Belgo.
Much appreciated. That is a good start, I was leaning towards Blademaster or Infiltrator. Any thoughts as to which one has the most endgame potential?
I would say Infiltrator: more rr and it has Seal for damage absorb. Also able to grab some racial damage and another heal skill. Ford’s build is quite good.
Sold! Thanks very much!
No problem, good luck!
I recommend either Oathkeeper (and go full Poison) or Soldier (has lot of skills that fire off auto-attacks and you will be attacking FAST).
Here’s the Oathkeeper version I have been building recently. I didn’t make this, just copied it from somewhere so I can’t vouch for it: Dervish, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator